Alright, to respond to the people I did not get to responding to last night... will review character sheets when I get home, so don't expect much here... in any case... [@Dead Cruiser] the percentiles is unnecessary. I'll give you an example of what we are requesting you to do when I get home. I don't want you to list it through percentiles, I want it to be shown through the description of her attacks... or something like that. [@Pirouette] I talked to wxp about it on discord and he responded that she looks good; nothing screws up his own plans with his company so the complaint I had earlier now equates to nothing :P So work on Death and Decay as you mentioned earlier and tell me when it's done. If it works well, she gets a stamp of approval on my end and I'll see whether or not the other two see nothing wrong with her. [@dragonmancer], I was about to say you would function as a returner in this case, lol. But for now since you've made your dude... oh well, will look over him later. Glad to see you're back, though this does raise a few questions about Fafnir... again, will ask later. [@Lmpkio] I have taken a glimpse and found the notion interesting. I'll read the rest over tonight over Diego Brando's organization. In any case, I'm half tempted to finally induct you all into our discord... maybe I should, maybe I won't? I'll just wait for a bit and see how things are... also will try to have the prompts for the arcs up as soon as I can... but for now, adieu!