The new Paladin vanished in a flash of light while Jen simply falls to her knees, laughing. [color=pink]"A-HAHAHAHAHAHA!"[/color] You hear Eve step out of the tent while Jen is laughing undeniably loud. Eve stands behind you as you watch Jen open her palm out, the golden glow of the familiar Light showing it's radiance to you and Eve. [color=pink]"So this is what you meant by my downfall, my guidance. This is what you meant when it was brought upon by the one closest to you in blood. This is what you meant when you said I would have my chance at redemption."[/color] Jen clenches her hand as she grabs the crate, chuckling to herself. As she puts the crate in her tent, she quickly steps out and looks at you. [color=pink]"Tobias Skinner. Had I known you were still alive in this world, I would have stayed at least four hundred miles away from you at any time, however, the Light said our paths would cross some day, and it would lead to my downfall. I have been excommunicated from the Order, and while I want to gut you like an animal right now for being the goat of my downfall, I am leaving you where you stand for a single reason."[/color] Jen steps up to you and grabs you by the neck, her hand feeling incredibly warm from the heat of the Light illuminating her entire body. [color=pink]"You and that skeleton are my one ticket to redemption." "And I am not going to die like the sorry fool the Order thinks I am."[/color]