Blushing slightly despite the tense situation Tonya looked away, trying to hide her reddening cheeks from the second eagle-like hero that swooped down to join Fruitta. “Thank you both.” She managed as the two masked crusaders turned to engage Mr. Johnsen. The battle opened fast, with Fruitta launching a bold attack against the empowered professor, but Tonya could tell she was in trouble and might be struck by the whip soon if help wasn’t administered. All Tonya had to do was follow the boy hero’s orders and run, try on her super suit, and rush to help them. Easier thought then done though. As hero and villain clashed Mr. Johnsen released a shouted command, and the glassy-eyed students stopped their advance towards Tonya, changing direction and encroaching on Fruitta’s and the eagle-dressed-boy’s position. Seeing her chance Tonya dashed in-between them, darting this way and that to avoid bumping one, they ignored her for now focused entirely on their new, and more powerful objectives. [i]Not for long.[/i] Tonya thought, taking cover behind a massive potted plant. Checking to make sure no one could see her Tonya pulled her new Miraculous charm out from under her shirt studying the tiny red gemstone embedded into the snake. “How do I make it work again?” She asked, breathless with excitement, adrenaline pumped through her veins and Tonya felt she could run a hundred miles and climb any mountain or swim any ocean. “Speak the words ‘scales align’ and see for yourself the power you possess.” Ossar hissed from Tonya’s shirt. He slithered forth, floating in the air like some large wisp of floating hair, his multicolored body writhing rhythmically as he encouraged his master. “The masked ones are your allies, fear not, they shall aid you in time of need, but now they need you Serpentine. Only fear can defeat you when joined by your friends.” “Right, right.” Tonya said clenching and unclenching her fists. “Don’t be afraid. Trust Fruitta and, and. Him. Okay, alright, I can do this. Scales Align!” It all happened in a flash. Osaar vanished into the necklace and the red and blue suit materialized like magic, covering Tonya’s body with a protective and empowering armor. Two metal fans wooshed into being secured to her belt, lastly came the mask and hood which concealed her true identity. “Serpentine.” Tonya said in a hushed voice, looking in awe at her gloved hands, skirt, and boots. The adrenaline she felt seemed doubled, and Tonya felt now as if she was unstoppable. Stepping out from behind the giant potted plant she placed her hands on her hips and took ahold of the two battle fans which almost seemed made for her hands. Holding the weapons high Serpentine surged forward, leaping clear over the crowd of glassy-eyed students and landing within the small circle in the middle next to Fruitta and the eagle-dressed boy. “I’m here,” she announced boldly, pushing away one of the zombiefied teenagers before he grabbed Fruitta. It took a moment, but Serpentine remembered that the two heroes probably had no idea who she was. “I’m Serpentine,” she explained almost as an afterthought. “Um, nice to meet you?”