[center][center][img]https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/28161773_768044893386586_1323075587283927435_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2a43708f2bef41bfc6efd156491e8185&oe=5B149E67[/img]{ Ignore the tail }[/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Kinoko / Kinokou [b]Alias:[/b] Princess Kinoko/Kinokou, Princess of Saiyans (formerly), Son Kinoko/Kinokou, Universe 7's Last Female Saiyan, Third-Mightiest Saiyan. [b]Date of Birth:[/b] April 18, Age 735. [b]Age:[/b] 44 (physically 30-31). [b]Height:[/b] 5' 7". [b]Weight:[/b] 121 lbs. [b]Species:[/b] Saiyan. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Relatives/Relationships:[/b] * Bardock (biological father; deceased). * Queen of Planet Vegeta (biological mother; deceased). * Raditz (older paternal-brother/former teammate; deceased). * Vegeta (older paternal-brother/teammate). * Goku (younger paternal-brother/teammate). * Tarble (younger paternal-brother). * Android 21/"Amaia" (younger adoptive-sister/teammate). * Gohan (paternal-nephew/teammate). * Goten (paternal-nephew). * Trunks (paternal-nephew). * Bulla (paternal-niece). * Pan (paternal-grandniece). * Chi-Chi (sister-in-law). * Gure (sister-in-law). * Bulma (sister-in-law). * Ox King (father-in-law). * Dr. Brief (father-in-law). * Panchy (mother-in-law). [b]Occupation(s):[/b] Princess of Planet Vegeta (formerly); High-Class Warrior; Farmer/Grocery Clerk. [b]Affiliation(s):[/b] Dragon Team/Z-Fighters. [b]Former Affiliation(s):[/b] Galactic Frieza Army. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Black. [b]Personality:[/b] Mature, Caring, Capable, Helpful, Intelligent, Optimistic, Confident, Honorable, Gentle (yet Tough), and Stubborn. (When Turned-Evil: Ruthless, Arrogant, Devious, Selfish, and Manipulative.) [b]Power(s):[/b] Super Saiyan 1-3 (possibly 4), including Blue. [b]Abilities:[/b] Superhuman Strength/Speed/Durability/Senses, Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Flight, Afterimage/IT, Telekinesis, Ki-Control/Sense/Transfer/Regeneration/Rapid-Fire, Kamehameha (descended from Bardock), Galick Gun (taught by Vegeta). [b]Voiced By (actor/actress):[/b] [b]Liza Jacqueline[/b] [b]Live-Portrayer (actor/actress) {just for fun}: Chloe Bennet[/b] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [hider="Sky's The Limit" by CFO$][youtube]https://youtu.be/0jkJr8hRPPM[/youtube][/hider] [/center]