Posting a WIP [hider=Magic Knight] Name: Gangsta Greg Age: 22 Species: Human Class: Magic Knight: Uses magic to augment physical attacks/ Rank: (Military Rank of Character) Homeland: (There's gonna be roughly 30 different kingdoms to originate from. Non are bigoted so anything can be from anywhere. Be sure to include a background and info on the kingdom is you decide to create one. Ill have a very detailed timeline of world events so far.) Personality: (Whats your character like) Appearance: [img][/img] History: (Wheres your character from) Powers/Abilities: (If you're a mage this is where your spells info go. If you're a warrior this is where you put sword skills.) Equipment: (Anything your character is carrying. Include weapons, potions, books, scrolls etc. [Keep in mind strength requirements]) Extra: (Anything that needs to be added) Stats Newbie Level 1 Vitality: 5 Speed: 5 Strength: 5 Endurance: 5 Mana: 5 [/hider]