Hart laughed, picking up her root beer and taking a drink of it. "Just cuz you can legally drink doesn't mean you're the only one who drinks. Bet I could drink you under the table lizard lips." She smiled so he knew she meant no harm. She didn't want to come off as harassing him or worse. After all it was normally her who got harassed. "John's problem is he thinks he's the only orphans with issues and powers. In a way we're all orphans here. Some of us were orphaned by parents. Others were orphaned by society. Hell, Nic was orphaned by his whole freaking planet!" She sighed, resting her gaze on the floor once more. "So if you ask me, I think this place should be our one safe haven. Our one family. We may be extremely dysfunctional... But at least we have each other, right?" She smiled slightly. She wanted them all to know that no matter what she was their ally. She may have a temper and a sarcastic sense of humor but she genuinely wanted to befriend her team. She needed to, really. For once in her life Hart thought that maybe she could have finally found the missing link in her life.