>Could it be imagined as the paper on which the Codex is written? Paper is a lot like fabric. Right? Right?? >As for its consciousness, I don't believe it's all in people's heads - the consciousness of the Fabric has been long-established. >mirroring effect Every single line you people say just make Ilunabar stronger. Soon, she will be unstoppable and all will tremble in face of her true neutral passive indulgence. The very fabric of reality will be made into a fashionable poncho. It was too late before it even began. [img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/295/979/dd1.jpg[/img] For realzies though, on that first one, I have always been kinda playing on that, since the Codex is said to be a parchment, which is pretty much fabric, which ties to the Dreamweaver, especially after it became a massive pipe organ - sewing machine. I outright described it as pulling strings in the fabric of all-stuff, which has always been quite literal in my posts, with outright noises of strings being pulled, but could also be seen in a metaphorical way since she is the goddess of aggressive marketing and could be making true to that old thing she once said to Vowzra about "What happens when the universe itself, from the largest galaxy clusters to the smallest bit of quantum foam, decides to tell a lie?" Answer was apparently mosquitoes and lactose tolerance.