[img]https://i.imgur.com/HLkrHo4.png[/img] [hr] Luna peered over Sevro's shoulder to glance at the datapad. She only caught parts of the newsfeed scrolling across the page, but it was enough to give her a general idea of who she was working with. [color=cyan][i]Allllrighty then.[/i][/color] It took her a moment to realize that her proximity put her into the Addison lady's line of fire, and she took a step back. Not that she had something to be yelled at about, or anything. The person which had come to pick them up, she never did catch his name, provided a good means of escape, so Luna drifted sideways next to him. "[color=cyan]Not just the driver, huh? Coming along for this ride too[/color]?" She asked. [hr]