A small squad of Engine Cities finest seemed to be blocking even a grunge covered entrance. Obviously the group was following orders but they vehemently disagreed, stating over and over how they would have been of better use else where. But when your CO, tell you to move your A** , you tend to start protecting it. For the last hour or so they group had not seen a newspaper blow by, let alone one of these So called shamblers. 4 men standing, well one standing two leaning and one sitting on the hood, of their cars just in case....A heftier man, Bruce, stretched before breaking the silence. [b]"Well this sucks." [/b] His words make the others burst out laughing, they where all thinking it, so it was a relief when someone actually said it. A younger man, Parker, used the eased spirits to gather some information. [b["So any idea what is really going on? The only thing I could tell was there where apparently "monsters", but with so many heroes running around why is this being treated like some catastrophe?[/b] The other officers roll their eyes, like they wanted to be reminded how feeble they look in comparison some of the cities residents. Bruce interjected [b]"Just because they have the ability to fly or shoot lasers.....or turn into giants...THE point is they cant be expected to handle everything that comes up on their own. So shut up and earn your check boy."[/b] Bruce turned to his partner and began speaking to him about something that had happened at his home, his wife was angry or something of the sort. Parker took this as an obvious sign that the conversation was over, and once again he managed to say all the wrong things. [b]"Guy must be on his period, I swear Bruce can be so brooding. I wonder why hes so serious all the time?"[/b] Parker had begun speaking to his own partner before actually facing him. [b]"You know what I mean man?"[/b] As his eyes reached where his partner had been standing just moments prior he was greeted by a strange sight. 5'8 slender frame, most likely female? His eyes drift downwards to the most definitely female legs, he would have had finished the shallow thought if not for the glisten to the skin. It seemed as if mist had begun collecting around her feet? [b]"I am going to have to ask you to step back, the area is under Quaran-umpgh?!"[/b] When did she? The woman had closed the distance so quickly he had not had time to notice. Pete struggled to get air into his lung, but the jarring strike seems to have sent his mind on a roller coaster of both Shock and awe. As the world goes dark he notices the odd glow from the girls eyes..... Zero watched the man fall to his knees before passing out in a most peculiar manner. Her hooded head does not linger, the other officers had now come to inspect the noise. Internally Zero noted of her fault, she should have simply snapped the neck of the man instead. [/b]"On your knees!"[/b] Both officers had their sidearms drawn and aimed in the frost queens direction. Several things come to her attention, but first and foremost was the fact he had not seen her as a threat? An odd twinge of pain makes the woman wince.[/b] "I SAID DOWN!"[/b] The officers take a rather aggressive step forward. The officers seemed all to ready to relax as Zero seemed to slowly raise her hands. As she gets on her knees, the two rush to her [b]"You know how much trouble your in?"[/b] Once more the officer seems to think himself in control? Bruce slapped cuffs on her and pulled back her hood, tugging her hair at the same time.[b] "Girly I don't know what got into you, but you just assaulted a police officer. You know what that means?"[/b] Bruce began forcing Zero forward while the officer rushed ahead to open the door. As Bruce "forces" Zero along he just about has her in the car when she finally said something. [b][u]"Are you not going to ask?" [/u][/b] Bruce struggled with all his might but he may as well be trying to push an iceberg! Between the mans grunts and strains he obliged her question. [b]"What do you mean? What am I asking? Aside from if you will require an attorney"[/b] His partner ran to his side to begin trying as well. The longer they struggled with her the more mist seemed to be forming at their feet. [b]"Where is the fourth man?"[/b] As the words left her mouth, Bruce became all too aggressive! His clenched fist struck Zero straight in the small of her back! A loud crack echoed in the tight street, How hard had he struck the woman? [b]"ARGGGHHHH!!!!!?????"[/b] Bruce had been the one to scream out in agony?! [b]"The Hell? It was like I punched a brick wall?"[/b] As Bruce pulled away to clutch his broken hand his partner seemed to retreat, that instinctual fear of what he didn't quite understand..Zero turned away from the ajar car door, as she did a husk of ice seemed to break apart falling from within the strange robe like garment. The other officer cried out, [b]"She's got powers!"[/b] Bruce lashed out with a sarcastic tone, [b]"No sh*t?! Get your gun on her idiot before she gets away!"[/b] Zero winces yet again, going as far to grab her forehead with her hands? Her temper flaring at the idiots! [b]"Wait where did her cuffs go?"[/b] Bruce fought the urge to inform his partner of his total incompetence at following a situation. [b]"She broke them, just keep your gun on her man!"[/b] Bruce grunted as he starts to reach for his walkie, his shattered hand and most likely fractured wrist flopping about. [b]"Your incompetence is [u]PAINFUL[/u]!"[/b] Zeros sudden out burst was met by the sound of silence. Zero turned and walked away rubbing her temples? Bruce and his partner? Their eyes dart about in their icy prisons, looking up they spot their missing officer frozen to the overpass, muffled cries of joy escape the statues as they realize neither they nor their fellow officer was dead. Why was she even heading into the zone? What was driving her? Zero while not the friendliest of sorts, was not known for random acts of violence? This sort of behavior seems to clash with any information they have on her....