[quote=@Antarctic Termite] [@Kho] Nah, it's flavoursome, but it's not a mechanic currently significant enough to be worth enshrining a kinkless version of in the errata, given how specific it is to Vowzrid entities. So go nuts! Unless the other GMs have a problem or Victors start abusing it in ways they really shouldn't be (teleportation is a major power), it should be fine. [/quote] Yeah, I've been very careful to put various restrictions of its use in place - i.e. only Silent Brothers can move through the Fabric (the only Silent Brother canonised till now is Juras, in my head-canon - ever since you mentioned him in that post - Yiftakh also), there appears to be some kind of cooldown period after each usage (Juras walked when he left Vetros for the Resort, walked when he left Xerxes for the Valley of Peace), there's an ever-present danger that one can just end up trapped in there or the Fabric is in a foul mood, one can't take other people with them through the Fabric, and - for non-divines in particular - there is currently a limit to how far one can travel using the Fabric - e.g. Juras can't melt into the Fabric and go to a moon or another planet. This will likely change as the Victors grow and develop, but that's the current state of affairs. Vowzra and Belvast's interactions are somewhat different as they're divine - it's basically a, 'oh yeah, y'all can teleport too, but we're speshal'*coddles with Fabric*. I have some ideas for some distant future when the Creation(Space) (Portfolio) is incorporated for how the Fabric can be used in very different ways, but we'll cross that bridge when/if we get to it