[center][h1][color=Goldenrod] Noah Griffin [/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Noah felt paralyzed by the Fox’s gaze. His skin pricked and goosebumped, unsettled by the demon’s golden eyes sizing him up. Like a piece of meat. The lips curled into a wicked grin causing Noah’s stomach to flip in place and whatever meager meal he held, curdling. He didn’t answer when the Fox questioned him. Instead, the human just kept his eyes straight as Vae tried to draw Yin’s attention on herself. It wasn’t really working. That much Noah could easily see for himself while he frantically tried to figure out a way out of this situation. He want to say something but stopped when Yin’s ears swiveled. They seemed to catch something causing the fae to request a moment. Noah let out a breath of relief when he spotted the Fox lift up and out of the pool, his naked figure disappeared into the corridor. Vae, by this time, seemed to have vanished to find him some towels or clothes likely. His knees felt wobbly as he struggled to remain upstanding. Slowly, he lowered himself into the deepest part of the water to bath. Despite his gut instinct screaming for him to wash and leave, he needed to decompress from the heart-racing experience. Hopefully, nothing else decided to toy with him until he was done.