In black, thunder sounded just before one came even louder. Lightning flashed until there was a singing female voice in the vicious wind. [i]Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me...[/i] The thunder came again as the voice continued with a British flag blowing in the wind. [i]We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot, drink up me hearties, yo ho. We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot, drink up me hearties, yo ho.[/i] This time, rain began to fall over a town which looked like a harbor. [i]Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me...[/i] The singing faded as thunder striked once more as a pirate flag was being carried by the wind. A male voice began to narrate. It was John Silver. [i]Those were almost the first words she spoke to us. We remembered her name, her idea, and yet, we still could not forget that it was she who invented it.[/i] Cannon fire sounded as it dueled with another ship, causing explosions on the sea craft. The ship began to sink as its flag blew in the wind. The flag sank into the depths. [i]That idea still could change the world. People have killed in the name of it...and died, defending it.[/i] A figure of a boy floated to the surface of the water until he laid on a piece of the ship, drifting to a shore nearby. [i]We could never kiss it; could never touch it or hold it.[/i] Jamaican peasants ran to the water as they saw the figure drifting, being able to pull him ashore. [i]It would not feel pain or show love.[/i] Commodore Norrington and Governor Swann run over to the group as they see the unconscious boy before them. "Get a doctor!", Norrington told his lieutenant, Theodore. [i]But it was never the idea that we missed.[/i] A gold glimmer shined near them, but they didn't notice. [i]It was her. A woman that made us remember. A woman, we pirates can never forget.[/i] The story title appears in the darkness of the screen.