[center][i][b]One growing wardrobe and a filling room of random medical supplies later[/b][/i][/center] [right][img]https://i.imgur.com/NEUfZxm.png?1[/img][/right] "So, how bad is it? Will she be okay?" [b][i]"Well, let's just say its a good thing she found us when she did. Clearly she is still suffering from severe exhaustion, which is honestly no surprise considering the malnourished and dehydrated state you found her in. Really, its no short of a miracle she made it this far."[/i][/b] A man in a white lab coat with a balding head answered back in a matter of fact tone, his monotone voice sounding like something out of a commercial for eye drops. Locally he was known by both Doctor Grimm and Professor Grimm-usually who called him what being more dependent on why the person was coming to him for help as opposed to any enforced or requested use of the title on his part. Frankly he himself didn't give a damn what he was called. Jotting down who knows what in his seemingly ever present leather bound notebook Grimm continued on speaking before the mayor had a chance to ask yet another question. [b][i]"Don't worry yourself to much Bryce, she's got youth on her side. I do want to come back in a bit though now that I've actually seen her, bring up a proper IV bag or two and double check on those swollen feet of hers. In the meantime just try and keep a cool cloth on her head for the fever, and if she wakes up have her drink some water-but not to much to fast, mind you.”[/i][/b] “That we can do-but don't you dilly dally with those IV bags.” Mayor McByrd hobbled his way closer to Dr. Grimm, his sturdy cane making a distinct strong sounding [b]Thunk[/b] with every step forward. “This is [u]important[/u] Grimm. I know how prone you are to getting lost in those experiments of yours.” [b][i]“I know that old man.”[/i][/b] Grim spat back with an equally venomous look in his narrowing eyes. [b][i]“Just like you should know how import my research is to the entire nation, not to mention your tiny little village. Need I remind you I am not some yokal town doctor nor am I being paid by your tax dollars for medical services. Every minute I am not in my lab is [u]another[/u] minute-”[/i][/b] At this point Grimm was pointing his notebook accusingly at Mayor McByrd, however his growing tirade was cut off as McByrd held his hands up in the air as if surrendering. “Ok, ok-I surrender. I don't mean to ruffle your feathers son, I just worry about the poor girl. You can understand that?” McBeard asked incredulously. Letting out a long sigh while his arms fell to his side Grimm was visibly regretting his words-a tired look quickly coming over his stress wrinkled face. [b][i]“I...I'm sorry Bryce. My work studying the rot...Its, well, nevermind. It's no excuse for my behavior. You have my word I will be back within the hour.”[/i] [/b] “That's all I needed to hear Grimm. And remember, whether you think it or not while you live here your a member of our community. And we take care of each other here Grimm-if you ever need to talk, my doors always unlocked.” [b][i]“...Right, well, the sooner I get going the quicker I get back. I'll be seeing you Bryce...and thanks.”[/i][/b] With that Grimm turned and quickly made his way down the hall and out of the house. He made double sure not to talk to anyone else so as to not waste any more time as he left. [hr] Hope, having dropped off her bucket of cold water and clean hand towels some good thirty minutes ago, had joined the still ongoing party outside of the mayors house-only now it was more an event centered around the gossip of what had just happened. The once festive mood had definitely shifted to a much more somber tone. Walking by the Rosemonts, whom were now seated at the main table, she caught a snippet of their conversation. [color=Yellow]“Goddess, I hope she's ok. Poor thing.”[/color] [color=eebc51]“Yeah, she...she looked like she felt pretty rough. Speaking of, my stomach feels kinda...weird.”[/color] [color=7386ad]“You too? I thought it was just me...Think I'm gonna finish this cream puff and go to the restroom. Remind me to tell Grayson how good they are!”[/color] Spotting Astrid feeding Fluffy a handful of something Hope walked her way over out of curiosity. [color=red]“Pretty crazy night, huh?”[/color] She asked while noticing Fluffy was snacking on little sausages. Grabbing another from the tray she tossed Fluffy another with a smile. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/y1LQSx2.png?4[/img][/center]