[center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/3ZSpiSFYooVX8sNOL0olOLTqAcs=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5f26/th/pre/f/2015/199/8/6/totalitarian_peacefulism_by_americansfr-d91tury.jpg[/img] [h1][color=RED][i]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/i][/color][/h1] [h2][b]National Assembly[/b][/h2] [/center] Despite having been elected after an accident had killed the previous electee and riding-out on extremely low turnout rate - the STU representative in the National Assembly had already gotten busy in their duty. Ahmar Jurhen - a Muslim and a former Math Teacher, had already taken the stage in organizing what meager political power they had into action. As they had gotten to power in Ziwa - they had worked out a strategy to work from where they gained traction - to slowly build up from there and let their supporter base grown even further. To show those whom had voted for them, that their vote wasn't wasted and they could trust in the Samgolan Technocratic Union to listen to them on a reasonable base - even if they were from a rural and poor area. At the time Ahmar Jurhen was taking the stage in the National Assembly - namely on the subject of National Militias still an issue in the Province of Ziwa. One of the key factors that the SD had used in riding to power in Ziwa. [i]"-I have not yet formed an opinion on the Bassong Administration. As they haven't yet taken any acts, that I might agree or disagree with. For this reason, I will Abstain. Instead, I will talk about a greater situation. Namely the National Militias that still trouble and plague our nation. Especially in Ziwa." "Most of their lands aren't as well-developed as that of the other Provinces, yet still they are plagued by these Militias. The war is over, these men should lay down their arms and return to their homes and families. The new Administration should make it a core value of our first government and aid these people in returning to civilian life in a calm and reasonable way - providing incentives if need be. The civil war had been a suffering for many families, especially those living in the rural areas. We can't move forward in such a way, if we allow these old marks to remain on our nation." "Ziwa is one Province, whose wounds still remained raw and open. As we were elected by the people, it is our duty to them - to help heal this,"[/i] finished Ahmar Jurhen - the first speech in the history of the Samgolan Technocratic Union. It would be one that would either be one to remember in future moments or a forgotten note. Their funding was low as it is - but Ambari Zume had thought the prize was worth the attempt. Especially, as Ahmar Jurhen had made his speech about the situation in Ziwa. Ambari was organizing a modest fundraising campaign in the same province. Under the name of [i]Penny For Your Thoughts[/i] - it would focus on helping to fund the STU for other similar situations. Written in the similar style as all other STU pamphlets - although tailored for the more poor and Muslim kind. Namely showing small graphs on indicating how their funds would be utilized and used - currently and in the future. All in all - a modest start for a new party, hoping to achieve above its expectations. [hider=Week 1] [u]Host Fundraiser[/u] in [u]Ziwa[/u]. [u]Give Speech[/u] about [u]National Militias[/u](Issue) still in [u]Ziwa[/u]. (-70,000$) Ratify the Cabinet Proposal of President Samuel Bassong [Abstain] 1 NA member. [/hider]