As orchid tore through his meat he looked over to Torus as he spoke that dragon tongue of his. Orchid had head him speak it, but still couldn't make sense of it. He'd rather have to listen to a scholar's common then draconic. So Orchid elected to ignore the conversation, now finished with his meat and onto the potatoes. When the cultist came by to hand them some drinks orchid took one whiff and sneered in disgust. He didn't want booze, he'd rather drink Kret's water. And Orchid would do so, taking Kret's mug and draining it in one gulp. As for Kret's question, while it was mainly directed to Torus, Orchid elected to speak up as well. [color=a2d39c]"Parum smart. Parum know what we want. Orchid be strong! So Parum take me here, where strong things are. Torus weird man. Torus want weird things. Dragons and gods and weird dragon gods."[/color] After saying his piece Orchid left the table to get seconds.