Furitta clicked her tongue as the kick connected with the man's arm - but seemingly unharmed as she jumped away. Oblivious to the plan the two were cooking up, she flipped backwards easily and took out two zombified students. As she struggled with three others, she saw Talon jump up with Serpentine barreling towards the Instructor. Wide eyed, she watched as the newest addition to the group was picked clean off the ground and thrown to the side with a powerful kick. Anger boiling in her, she flipped yet another one onto the ground and looked menacingly at the Instructor. Forgetting for a mere moment that there was another hero besides her that was still alright, she didn't tell anyone about what she was about to do. [b][color=f26522][i]"Festinatio."[/i][/color][/b] With the order said, her legs were enveloped in an orange light which disappeared just as quickly. Her run towards the Instructor was fast and surprising. Caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the ferret-themed hero, she was able to tackle him down and put him in a leglock - essentially putting the two out of commission as she managed to position herself on his back. Attempting to wrestle him to complete submission or to at least make him let go of the whip, she continued her struggle against the Instructor. Perhaps it was good that the suit managed to give her enhanced skills, or else she would have been easily thrown off.