Neil squinted at the man, eyeing him for a moment with scrutiny. The pilot was certain the man had not seen him when he had taken the holo-disk. At least initially. The crowd was quite large when he stole it, and Neil admitted he didn't hide the holo-disk because he was already getting somewhat inebriated. Maybe the man had seen him holding the disk but the crowd kept him from getting to Neil before he was gone. Either way, it looked like he had some resources on hand. Neil quickly scanned the room for possible methods of attack. Not for him to attack, but for his own defense. However it seemed a normal, perhaps high class office room with various automated utilities built into the seemingly solid walls, as the Asian man pressed a seemingly smooth section of the drywall and it opened up to reveal sugar and cream, casually picking both up and bringing it over to the stone desk as the wall closed once more. "Uh sure." Neil said, sarcastically upbeat for this odd situation. He was glad for the extra ingredients for the coffee. It wasn't exactly adult, but he'd been raised on sugar and cream with his coffee. His father used to make the best, putting in the exact right amount of both in every cup. He could never recreate that, but it still was better than the black coffee he assumed Junebug would get. Taya seemed to agree with Neil, and she nervously walked over to the table right behind Neil, asking him to pass the sugar. "So..." Neil began, stirring his coffee as the Asian man sat down, giving a cordial smile. "I assume if you wanted us arrested you would not be giving us coffee, am I right?" "That is correct," he said, adjusting his spectacles and clearing his throat. His eyes switched between Neil and Taya, before going to Neil and Junebug, as Neil was the thief and the one speaking, but Junebug held the air of authority he surmised. "I apologize for the inconvenience of your assets, but I needed to find you. Have you actually looked on the disk yet?" "We..." Neil began, glancing to Sayeeda. "Have not. We were quite busy last night." "I suppose that is actually fortunate, though that would be the only fortunate aspect of this very unfortunate meeting. You see, on the disk is...a message I received on the kidnapping of my fiance. My name is Kadashi Cheng, and my fiance is named Nia." He said the name with a certain feeling. "She...disappeared a fortnight ago, and the next day I was sent a message she was seen being carried off into the docking station. Yet I have reason to believe that if she is not on the Node, she is within the system. I have a beacon you see-" Taya had her hand to her mouth, broken up that this man had lost his love and was obviously trying to appear professional while speaking of a subject close to his heart. Neil listened intently as he continued. "-a beacon that represents how close we are. It does not show direction. But it would not work if she was out of system. Its power is not infinite, as you could well guess. You can also guess how I am in dire straits to be speaking to complete strangers, but I did a bit of digging. The [i]Highlander[/i] and its crew disappeared from known space for two years and yet, you are not unknown to certain groups..." [@Penny]