Ryuko grinned at that. He had a sort of look about him that gave off an "Older mentor" type of feel. Sure, he wasn't actually that old, but to Ryuko who in this form was only 18, he was almost twice her age. [color=ed1c24]"I also can't die in normal ways. Lop off my head, it will just reattach itself. Same with arms, legs, stab me and it won't do anything. Rip my heart out... as long as there is a single strand of Life Fiber connecting something to my heart it will reattach itself and completely heal in a matter of seconds. I can limit this healing so it does it over time, which is often a good idea because, well..."[/color] She thought of how to explain it for a moment. [color=ed1c24]"Here's the deal. I don't die like any other Servant like I said. Another Servant, you cut their head off, they die. You stab them enough, they did. Pierce their heart, their brain, their lungs. It all effects them as it would a normal person. But me, I just shrug all that off. The Life Fibers hold me together. They are threads, like sewing thread. The very same threads my uniform is made entirely out of. And, no normal weapon can cut it. Only special weapons like my own can halt the regeneration of life fibers. They grow back just as fast as you slice through them, so it's impossible to cut them. But, it's not all good news. My regeneration takes up mana. So as I'm sure you can figure out, the more hits I take, the more I have to draw from your mana to not die. The more mana I use, the less mana I have for my noble Phantasm. And if you run out entirely, no more regeneration for me. Berserkers are durable, but every one of us has our limits."[/color] She took a deep breath and leaned back. [color=ed1c24]"So, now THAT is the last bit of information. Something less important..." She looked down at her uniform. "Introduce yourself."[/color] A fairly deep voice rang out as if it was coming from Ryuko, but nothing moved. [color=fff200]"I'm Senketsu, a Kamui. I'm an outfit made entirely out of Life Fibers, so I myself am my own being. It's nice to meet you, I hope we'll get along well."[/color] It was clear he was trying pretty hard to be very formal and friendly. Ryuko had a big, pride filled grin on her face. "[color=ed1c24]Yeah, talking clothes. You should be able to hear him but nobody else can. I mean I can but, you know, I mean just us. This is my partner and now I guess you are too. Oh and you aren't some kind of perv or anything are you? When I transform to fight, I'm not exactly wearing a whole lot. It's part of this whole thing about me and Senketsu becoming one. He becomes my skin basically, but to anyone who doesn't understand it, just looks like I'm in some kind of slut suit or something." [/color] She as long past her shame in wearing Senketsu. It had taken a long time, but eventually it happened. And now she had no issue putting him on even in front of a thousand people if it came to it. Because she knew she was safe, and stronger than anyone could hope to be as long as she was wearing him. Although, the last thing her Master said made her tilt her head in curiosity. [color=ed1c24]"Huh? Seriously? You've never heard of me? Ryuko Matoi, literally saved the entire world?"[/color] The Grail had given her information she needed. Namely that she was one of three who would fight side by side. However, it had not graced her with the knowledge that this wasn't even her world. Grails were tricky like that.