[H2][b][center]Paige Kennedy [/center][/b][/h2] His laughing forced Paige to attempt to hide a coy grin. He was only [i]partially[/i] right. Although she was confident the firewater had affected his memory. Drinks at a Diamonds game were never as cheap as eight bucks. She poured two fingers in one of his glasses and swirled it around. The smell was something like bleach and kerosene and was strong enough to take the varnish off a footlocker. She winced. "It's not bad when you make it right." He had neglected a few ingredients that she and Ana preferred to make it tolerable. With some vanilla vodka, a few cinnamon sticks and apple cider it took on a taste and smell similar to apple pie. She looked around for any sign of the correct ingredients or even a chaser, knowing his newfound hospitality was partly a challenge. She rolled the clear liquid around once more before tipping the glass back. Almost immediately she started coughing and then coughed some more as the burning liquid went down past her lungs. Her eyes watered as a slight numbing took hold in the back of her head and her face flushed. She sniffled as her sinuses were completely clear. "Holy shit," She squeaked putting the glass down with authority. Almost unable to hold it down, she turned and opened his refrigerator like it was her own and took out a sports drink to follow it. "I seem to remember ingredients other than vodka and grain alcohol." She coughed again and fanned herself. Since all pretense of seriousness had officially been thrown out she decided it was best to get to back to the reason for her unannounced visit. Maybe it was for the best that the mood had been lightened for Sio's sake, she thought; and though her head was tingling she had every intention of busting his chops. "I've gotta surprise for you," She said to Milo. "It's in my bag there, and it's not my sweaty gym clothes." Her eyes took on a more cutting view. "So why don't you open it up and tell me where it came from and I'll tell you if you're right." [@RoccanIronclad][@Almalthia]