[center][h1][b]Reign:[/b] [color=yellow]Kingdom Come[/color][/h1][/center] [h2][center]Chapter 2 - The Glittering Wood[/center][/h2] [center][img]https://avante.biz/wp-content/uploads/Woods-Background-Images/Woods-Background-Images-025.jpg[/img][/center][center][hider=Song][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=za8eYjQ7Nz8]Wolfborn[/url][/hider][/center] The group approached the woods at a brisk pace. There was a certain tension in the air mixed with the excitement brought on by adventure. Bright colors of yellow, orange and red met their eyes. It was a panorama of beauty all around them. They could not help but gaze at the bold leaves strewn about the trees and ground. After their senses became more accustomed to The Glittering Wood, they embarked forward. The leaves rustled and crunched beneath their feet. Even an amateur tracker could see that a large group had passed through the area not long ago. The path was marked by many hoof and footprints which pasted the leaves to the ground. Some more time passed before they spotted a lone figure heading their way. It was hard to tell at their distance who or what it was. Now how to go about this situation..