Can I also add... The emotions that you feel are an asset for any Creator. You can write about them, convey your message with feeling and depth, and show people why your character feels so raw and hurt. In a way, never look at your emotions as a burden but an element of growth for you to teach and educate others. Many others go through similar scenarios and the stories you read of great triumphs often are connected to struggles and hardships of a writer. One such example is J.K. Rowling who made an international seller but at her point in her life she was practically homeless with a baby. Her depression inspired creatures like Dementors, a key monster in the Harry Potter universe. What makes these creatures special in Harry Potter was that many readers identified with that struggle, people chose animals to symbolize their own Patronus, and you had a generation of teens find something that they could enjoy, write about, play games about, and even share their common interest with others who they would call friends... all from one struggling person who wrote a novel in a coffee shop.