[center][h2][color=blue]Liberal Democrats[/color][/h2][/center] [center][b]The Parliament[/b][/center] After the voting on the National Monument bill, Isabella Andulu spoke up once again. “My fellow cabinet members, it is clear that our nation suffers a great deal of debt. Our citizens forced to pay harsh taxes to maintain an unhealthy and bloated healthcare budget. As a result, I propose the Freedom of Health Act which aims to take the first of many necessary steps to a private healthcare system. By giving private companies the opportunity to invest into a nearly untapped and monopolized market not only will our citizens pay less in taxes, but innovation in new and advance forms of medical technology will increase.” [hider=Freedom of Health Act] Overview: This bill will aim to legalize the existence of private healthcare facilities and provide the opportunity for the private sector to sell medicinal remedies and treatment directly to the public. Article 1: The monopoly of the National Hospitals over the healthcare industry of Samgola will be ended. Private healthcare clinics shall be permitted to be established in parallel to the public healthcare system, to allow those Samgolan citizens for whom supremely expedient and quality care is a priority to pay for their medical treatment of their own accord. (Liberty) Article 2: Private medical companies will be able to legally distribute and advertise medicinal remedies as a product directly to the public, under the regulation of the Department of Labour & Health. (Neutral) Article 3: Newly created medicinal remedies will be protected under current patent law within Samgola. (Neutral)[/hider] [hider=Parliament Actions] [b]Vote: The Budget[/b]: Yes; 63 [b]Vote: The National Monument bill[/b]: No; 21 [b]Propose: Freedom of Health Act[/b] [b]Add amendment: Article 1[/b] (liberty) [/hider] [hr] [hider=Actions remaining] 2/4[/hider]