[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DEA7D1]6[/color][/h1] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/y5azs80/0Rgmcj3c1/library.gif[/img] Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab[/center] [hr][hr] What did they do now? It was as good a question to ask as any and there were many factors to consider. They didn't know where they were, why they were there, and why they couldn't remember much of anything. Not only that, they were all numbered. 6 glanced down at her arm again at that thought. What the hell was going on? First things first, they had a group of soldiers in front of them. What did they do with them? One of the girls had a smart idea to ask about a records room, but she doubted these soldiers knew about it. Still, it didn't hurt to ask. Before she could respond, 6 heard a voice distinctly male and turned to face it. Another around their age showed up. 6 had to put the thought that he was quite the cute guy away. He said he was medical though, how did he know this? She wasn't even sure what her role is, if any. But he had a number. He was one of them. [color=DEA7D1]"We should find more information about this place and us. A records room would be best, but we may have to look for it ourselves. We should also properly arm ourselves in the event there are more looking for us. Best bet is to remain together."[/color] She didn't necessarily trust the lot of them, but safety in numbers (ha!).