[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=steelblue]Ashton[/color], [color=cyan]Riley[/color], [color=yellow]Niesha[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://image.ibb.co/bFbD8b/NAR.gif[/img][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] The Hordebuster [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b] Mechanic (Ash), Engineer (Ash) [/center][hr][hr] Well, it was a banner day for the Hordebuster crew. Aside from the destruction of the only real home they had known since the Apocalypse, and of course, [i]The Apocalypse[/i], the general insanity reigning inside of the heavily modified vehicle, and the deaths of so many good, decent people for nothing, yes, [i]aside[/i] from these unfortunate bits and pieces of Fate sticking it in and breaking it off, Ash couldn't seem to keep his truck on the road. The moment that the single walking corpse met its second end by the Hordebuster, the vehicle thundered directly past Jefferson Street, past the NAPA Auto parts store, and into the southern end of an industrial complex they had scoured for parts and supplies long ago. Far from hysterical at the painfully unlikely turn of events, Ash simply sat behind the wheel of the Hordebuster, a disappointed look plastered on a weary face. He briefly considered taking a moment to beat his head upon said steering wheel in hopes of knocking himself unconscious, taking him out of any decision making for the next couple of hours. It was unbelievable that a vehicle with a history of being massively reliable, that had saved a population and continued to serve valiantly would suddenly betray him in this manner repeatedly. If the problem was with him, then they were screwed. No one else knew how to drive this beast like he could. But if all he could do was continually run them off of the road, then perhaps it was best to find a quiet spot and call it a day. Unfortunately, the only place he suspected was a quiet spot was in Arnco Mills. What would have otherwise been a fifteen minute drive or less was now bound to take all goddamned day. [color=steelblue]"Okay, to hell with this."[/color] he stated, determination and rage bubbling beneath a facade of stoicism, [color=steelblue]"This yard looks mostly clear. I'm cutting through here and getting us back to Jefferson. Meantime, I need someone with a map feeding me directions. We're making a run for Highway 34 to Alt 27, unless one of you can plot a better path."[/color] Niesha very nearly fell into hysterical laughter again as they once more crashed, went off the road. Whether it was just the hoardbuster saying it wanted to rest, or Ash just not having a good driving day, it was a moot point. The day had been long, tiring and challenging and they did all need to rest. At the mention of a map, Niesha sighed softly. She hadn't thought to grab any of that- while she had thought on other supplies, she'd just stuck with the weapons she'd need. And the funeral home had been easy to find, so no map had been needed. She shook her head, [color=yellow]"If we have a map, I can do it."[/color] she said, glancing to Riley to see if she had one. Riley gripped the edges of her seat when she watched Ashton driving over yet another walker, she could have probably made an entire game now at this point, to see how many things Ashton could nearly crash into or run over. Riley watched as they drove past a NAPA Auto Parts store parking lot and into an industrial complex lot. Riley listened to Ashton, asking if either of them had a map on them to plot a course. Riley then looked towards Niesha giving her a 'don't look at me look', she was more focused on getting out of Newnan more then anything else and didn't think of getting a bugout bag. [color=B0C4DE]"I don't have a map on me, do you happen to have one lying about in here?"[/color] Riley asked, she never truly looked at a map in her life, they were always so confusing to read. She remembered the few times where her parents would find a map while she and Chloe and their brother went on a family vacation and they took long hours on the road. [color=B0C4DE]"If you have one in here, then I can help out navigating as best as I can."[/color] She offered. With a sudden and unappreciable lack of warning, Ash tapped lightly on the brake and brought the wheel of the Hordebuster around, catapulting the formidable vehicle into a turn that, despite most physical laws to the contrary, greatly resembled a maneuver from "Tokyo Drift". He had meant to only bear right into the coming industrial complex, but either his mind was far, far elsewhere, or the 'Buster had other ideas. Either way, the generally stable truck now showed its potential for "goin' a-muddin'", as it spun off of the paved area and onto the grass, cutting a swath of lightly smoking, torn greenery behind it, and pointing them directly at a nearby building going at a screamingly high rate of speed. Oddly, the Captain remained stonefaced the entire time. At the last possible second, Ash leaned on the wheel, prompting the Hordebuster to fling itself almost parallel to the building. Almost. When he punched the gas again, just shy of clearing the faded, orange-roofed building, the leading edge of the Hordebuster's plowhead took out a corner of the structure. While little the worse for wear, it did make a stated, crunching sound, not unlike the noise one might imagine Ash's faith in his driving abilities must also be making after the last ten minutes. Clear of obstructions, Ash pulled a wide, awkward turn, damn near running into the building yet again yet finally, [i]finally[/i] pointing himself back at the road he had intended to turn onto in the first place. Jefferson Street. And here he was beginning to believe it was only a myth. Finally back on the road and pointed the right direction, Ash stoically turned his head in the general direction of Niesha, calmly stating, [color=steelblue]"I have a bugout bag on the floor between our seats. You should find a map in there."[/color] He then turned his head back around to wordlessly scan the road in front of them. As Ash once more tried to ensure the hoardbuster had a place in "Monster Trucks of History" Niesha clung to the edge of her seat with her right hand, the knuckles going white. She made no sound as Ash seemed to spin the hoardbuster about, eventually getting on what she hoped was the right track. She let out a breath of relief, before she nodded and sought to retrieve the bug out bag, ruffling through it until she found the map. [color=yellow]"Got it."[/color] She said, shifting back into her seat, and wondering if they should just stop where they were. Ash wasn't having a good driving day, but even as she thought that she recognised that only a building falling down on the Hoardbuster would be trouble for it. She just had to hope that he wouldn't crash into a building that decided to retaliate. Riley held onto the seat some more nearly white knuckling her grip on it, as Ashton hit the side of the building quietly muttering to herself that they would make it alive despite Ashton's erratic driving. She leaned back slightly as she listened to Ashton mentioning that there was a bugout bag in there. Watching as Niesha grabbed the bugout bag that was in between her and Ashton. At least they had a map now and they could finally go in the right direction on where they need to go, she really needed a drink and to get out the moment they were safely at their intended destination. Ash methodically turned his head to Niesha, and then to Riley. The utter lack of emotion was palpable. He tilted his neck again, bringing his eyes back in line with Niesha's. Silently affirming that she was in possession of the map from the bugout bag, he turned again, facing the road. Ash mentally scanned their intended route (ie: straight ahead) and set foot to accelerator. The Hordebuster went sideways. Not fully, partially levitated sideways, more than a particularly impressive and totally unexpected turn to the right, executed in the most ass way possible. The Hordebuster ran off of the road, seemingly instantaneously reaching top speed. It barreled over the low shoulder, coming smoothly down onto the ground on the other side and transitioning into the smallish parking lot beyond, liquefying an upright corpse in the process. It fishtailed around in a wide arc, its dump body obliterating another dead guy and coming to rest facing the proper direction on an intersecting side street. Yet another member of the formerly living began to saunter up in front of them as the Hordebuster sat idling in the middle of the street. With a shrug, Ash decided to just [i]go with it[/i], punching the gas hard enough to hear a half-second of tires squealing before the machine lurched forward, splattering the poor, dead bastard across the countryside. Again merging back onto Jefferson Street, Ash looked to his passengers and said with utter nonchalance, [color=steelblue]"Sorry. Knew that guy."[/color] As Ash once more, quite calmly and in a way that was beginning to freak Niesha out. Maybe he wasn't as sane as she thought... Maybe he was affected by whatever had happened more than she thought... What could she do? Ash was, perhaps, dangerous to them. She doubted that she could overpower him, and even if she did, she doubted she could ever drive the hoardbuster. So instead, she gripped her seat once more, and closed her eyes tightly. Even when the Hoardbuster seemed to be under control she didn't open her eyes right away. She could feel her heart racing, and she had crumpled the map slightly in her intense grip. [color=yellow]"Hey, Ash? How much did you have to drink before we got in?"[/color] She asked nonchalantly, [color=yellow]"Just asking. Maybe there's something wrong with the busters wheels?"[/color] Riley was really thinking of just getting out of the Buster and doing a human barrel roll out of it due to Ash's erratic driving skills. But she remained as quiet as she could trying to focus on other things, like all of the good times that she had before the outbreak started. Even the good times when she was younger with Chloe, she just ignored the splattering sounds of walkers harmlessly hitting against the Hordebuster. Riley then looked over towards Niesha when she asked him if Ashton had been drinking at all since they had gotten into the truck with him. She decided to not even make a comment, she thought that it was most likely just due to all of the ice that was on the road. [color=steelblue]"Drink? Yeah. Love one."[/color] murmured Ash, sizing up the very straight path in front of him. The truck was pointed in the right direction, the wheels were straight, and all the driver had to do was ease onto the accelerator and keep the steering wheel still. He could do that. No problem. Well, except that it [i]was[/i] a problem, apparently. As Ash gently eased his foot onto the gas pedal, The Hordebuster decided that it had just about enough of the whole 'going in a straight line' deal, and instead roared off of the side of the road, splattering another animated corpse. Ash wheeled it back around, [i]again[/i], and got it back on the road, [i]again[/i], taking out two more in the process. A short wrestle with the wheel, and they were back underway! Hopefully to hit the main road and breeze out of the area. [color=yellow]"Well. At least you are taking out walkers. Like a bowling ball hitting the bumpers."[/color] Niesha said, keeping her tone light as she tried to relax, opening the map, but not really knowing where they were at the moment, she simply refused to look forward anymore. Although she was worried about Ash's driving and apparent nonchalance about it all, she couldn't do anything about it until they found a place to stop. And even then, she doubted she could do anything. They needed Victor... But she didn't even know if he was alive. Her thoughts once more turned to Newman, and she had to hope that people got out. She sighed, and shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside. [color=yellow]"So. Map."[/color]