[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/3d-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180223/18200e0bcea16dabf40649a68274e077.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] Tammy was surprised that a deer had come so close to them having hunted the creatures in the past and found them to be the most careful of animals because of their prey status in the animal kingdom. Then when Emma reached out and touched the animal and it froze it reminded her of a spotlighted deer in the headlights of her snowmobile back home in Alaska. She would have given it more thought but the argument about being drugged as well as the odd way Lalna spoke distracted her from further examination of Emma and the deer’s interaction. Clearly Mason’s claims that “You all know we just got pricked by… Some drug laced needle, or inhaled some toxin or something that gave as hallucinations right.” seemed an attempt at denial of the facts presented. Most of the details she’d been able to find out about such things usually stressed a strong sociological component shared by the people who claimed to have seen such wild things as religious apparitions when she’d tried to look for books in the library on psychology early that morning. Goddess how she wished that there was a larger library nearby but there wasn’t so she had to go with the local availability. The thought made her giggle a little when she compared it to Killdeer which had a library so small it had a sign that said it had a capacity of only 50 allowed by the fire marshal. Then she turned her attention towards the oddly named boy Lalna [color=0072bc]"Oh, don't worry, I haven't told anyone about this... Because, if I told anyone about this, they would either dismiss me as having some sort of drug trip, which is likely due to me being an apprentice to a mad scientist, lock me up in an insane asylum, which is likely as well, or try to bring me to a psychiatrist. Who would we talk to? We could try to contact the Andelites, but I would need to spend days working on a device to try to contact them, which I can do while everyone else does the grunt work. If I can get into contact with them, we will be able to tell them of the Yeerk menace! But we would need to hold off the invasion, which how can we do it? We are only a group of kids, and only one of us, that is me, is intelligent enough to even begin to experiment and fabricate things to hold off on the enemy."[/color] His Ego was huge which was obvious in the way he spoke and normally she’d have just laughed in his face but in their present situation she didn’t feel like laughing because on many of the things she agreed with him. If they told anyone about what they’d seen so far even Killdeer might not be remote enough to escape the ridicule they would suffer and if people believed them they’d all get the E.T. treatment. The government would make them all disappear into some lab where they’d be studied like some lab rats and possibly imprisoned for the remainder of their days or even killed so they could study their brains and bodies if this Shape changing ability was the real thing. It was then that she made up her mind that like Alex Rogan recruited by the Rylan Star League to fight the Ko-Dan Empire she’d make her stand and go down fighting. So finally she broke her silence and said [color=Dodgerblue]I understand why everyone is freaking out but the idea that we all suffered the same hallucination is doubtful because I’ve don’t even know any of you all that well and I am sure I share only a little bit of the same experiences and influences any of the rest of you do. Till a year ago I attended the Ross School in Killdeer Alaska where we all shared the same experiences because the town only had 193 kids between 5 to 18 years old. From what I read this morning we would all need to have similar life experiences and beliefs which just listening to Lalna makes me sure isn’t the case.[/color] She had to laugh to let off steam before she continued because even she found what she was saying so off the wall [color=Dodgerblue]Occam's Razor which says "The simplest explanation is usually the correct one." it was the basis of Sherlock Holmes. Denial of what we have all experienced is more harmful than accepting and testing it; if our tests fall flat then we turn ourselves in for testing by the headshrinkers. Besides I’d love it to be true that we aren’t alone in the galaxy and that there are people out there trying to fight some evil force on our behalf and if that’s true I also don’t want to play the damsel in distress and let them do the fighting on my behalf[/color]