[h2] [centre] [color=6ecff6]Victoria [i]Darya[/i] Romus[/color][/centre] [/h2] [color=c4df9b][h3] [centre] . Final round armoury . Wensday Afternoon . (Victoria) [/centre] [/h3] [/color] [hr] Victoria walked carefully round a larger area of rough pavement and began to hear a distinct female voice, likely the same person who owned the blue BMW parked out front with black windows. Walking closer the voiced got louder and she also saw a closed sign on the Armoury doors and lights on inside. What was going on? Some side woman, a client? Most people who drive those cars Don, t visit a blacksmith though... Do they? There was somthing strange going on to say the least. Feeling the cold somewhat, squeezing past the BMW and Milos huge truck her ring caught the door slightly leaving a faint diamond cut line down the door to bare metal, going unnoticed as she was more worried about mantaining balence and not dropping her food, and wine bottle in her bags. Should she head home and just call a cab, or head in? Did Milo have some normal woman on the side, or was she some play for fun and completing some set. Deciding she rather know the truth than live in lies she knocked Firmly as she could on the door and looked for a door bell while she was waiting. Raising her voice with a cooler off the boat English Accent, trying to make sure clearly hered through a door. [i][color=6ecff6] Hey.. Milo... It's Victoria. I brought food and beer as tribute. Rather cold out here hon. I may look like Elsa.. But im kinda cold. [/color] [/i] Waiting outside the door and calling inside, white fake fur coat pulled tight with a pale belt, dark brown below the knee boots and a pair of jeans just viable below the coats hem. Leaning slightly on her stick and placing the bags gently down on the doorstep with food and alcohol. Hoping Milo was not in the bathroom or somthing, deciding she probbly should have called ahead vs surprising him, least his truck was there so he could not be too far away. Most people would look pale from the cold but just looked normal self despite the cold. Snelling what smelt like some very good BBQ meat emeinating from thr side the place, it seemed she maybe did not need to have picked up take out on her way over after all. Damn, probbly. Defenitely to text ahead next time. Least the wine was useful. Milo did not have any last time and she was not a big fan of beer. Maybe he had a bottle of vodka somewhere... She had got used to it when she spent some time with her Russian godfather, his family and her dad. Ivan was a bear of a man with a reputation as a tough first mate, though very different in private with family and freinds. [i][color=6ecff6]Well beer might still be needed. [/color][/i] Rapping her foot slightly she waited at door, and checked her phone just incase for a nearby Uber to call if she was left stood on a doorstep. [hr] [@Pilatus][@PrinceAlexus][@RoccanIronclad][@Almalthia] [hr]