[color=slategray][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmZmOTIwNS5RMkZ6YzJsMWN3LCwuMAAA/jmh-arkham.regular.png[/img][/center][/color] [hr][hr] Whilst on a casual walk to take a break up the monotony of training, a familiar looking bird cawed above him. With his bandaged hand he covered the bright sun, squinting at the creature; it was the messenger bird that St. Laurel's used for 'official' business. Glancing around he looked for another student from St. Laurel's, and after a few moments realized it was just him. The bird dropped off an official looking scroll right into his hands before whisking itself away into a sea of clouds. He cut the seal open, and read the contents. After a few minutes of shifting eyes, Cassius drew a confused look. He had heard rumors of the disappearances, but he never thought he would be called as one to be called to essentially 'deal' with it. He would think there are many more suitable than he, [color=slategray]"Well, it's not like I can refuse now, can I?"[/color] [hr] Cassius had gotten a bit lost honestly, but thankfully he began his trek at around 3:45pm, and arrived there at around 4:25pm. [color=slategray]"All the trees and buildings look pretty samey."[/color] he moaned in his lonesome, a small frown on his face. He had arrived to the supposedly haunted building. It oozed bad energy, so much so that Cassius himself felt it, not even being directly in the house. [color=slategray]"Well, I guess I can wait for the others, probably the smart thing to do."[/color] he muttered to himself. With a groan, he planted his back behind a decrepit wall and began whistling a damned song that had drilled itself into his mind.