[h1][color=00a651]Goblin Zats[/color][/h1] [i]Day three continued[/i] After he inspected his own body Zats noticed that some of the other Goblins were moving around on their legs, if that's what those were called, and also that one used cloth to cover himself up. Not wanting to be thought off as stupid or something he decided to imitate them. With some effort he got up and after taking a few uneasy steps got the hang of walking. Next up was the cloth, it took a few tries but before long he had copied the dark green goblin and was no longer naked. Before he had any time to feel proud of himself though what he presumed was an older Goblin gave him and the others a name and told them they needed to go out and hunt. Zats wanted to protest and say that he wasn't ready yet but he doubted that the elder would listen. Instead he stared at what he believed the exit to the cave and gathered his courage, silently wishing one of the others would ask him to go hunt together. [hider] EXP: Inventory: Loincloth Acquired Skills: Titles: Blessings: Curses: [/hider]