[@AdmrlStalfos19] After days of trying to review your sheet, I knew something was bugging me and it finally hit me. The way you described your characters. How you described your characters and how they behave or are treated, this is supposed to be like the show so your whole ‘making fun of people’s appearance’ thing isn't correct. In the show, nobody ever actually cares about appearance, the worst you get in the show is like “this guy looks strong” or “this guy looks weak”. I think Harmonia wouldn’t be very different, people would care more how you duel rather than how you look. As for the Saiki character, it feels like she’s based almost entirely around being a lesbian. She doesn’t have much going for her outside of who she’s attracted to, making it hard to get a good grasp on her personality. I don’t think it should be as important as you’re making it, I’d rather you cut it down to only a single sentence and lay more of a focus on who she is outside of that one trait. Another thing is that you’ve done a good job on character relationships, but it feels like they aren’t really flexible. The characters seem to be made to play off of each other more than anyone else and I’m not sure how well they’d get along with everyone else considering how close-knit and interwoven each history is. It might be better to break it down a little more and be more subtle and vague as to how each of them got along, rather than have each of them link into each other so tightly. (for example, Naoki having pins from Kou shows they get along well, but it isn’t directly stated. Or Ammo’s Emi and Keitaro having helped Masaru reach the top, but not going into detail. Or how Kaito only has two sentences on how he butts heads with Ren) Also, I’m pretty iffy on the cross-dressing thing. There have been some examples of forced cross-dressing, but not really any willing crossdressing because of an identity crisis. I dunno, it feels kind of weird to have it