Donny nodded his head as he looked to the others making their introductions, confused about where they were and what they were capable of. They dressed like nobles, had abilities that could be best described as "magic", yet don't know about them. They seem surprised at how some had changed their appearances. Nobility was weird, but Donny was thinking something stranger was afoot. [color=firebrick]"I wish I knew more bout that temple, Lady Reina. Unfortunately we don't got many holy folks around here who'd take care of it, and my pa told me that the temple was here before even his pa settled in Wayward. Whatever the place is, it's old and ancient. Ain't no one ever been able to figure out what it's for or what it does, though evidently it brought y'all here."[/color] Donny cleared his throat, laced his fingers together, and looked at everyone. [color=firebrick]"So where y'all from? Something tells me... You're not from around here. Or even this world."[/color]