[h2]Andreim[/h2] Andreim watched as Cassius first made his way past him as he was enjoying the scenery. That guy was almost always the first one to arrive to things of interest. What was it this time? Then a bird landed Before him with a scroll. [b]"Oh?"[/b] He tilted his head slightly to the side and then took one of his hands out of his pockets and picked up the scroll as the bird flew away. He undid the seal before reading what was written. [i]So that's what is going on. I suppose Lise will be there too. I cannot leave her with the others. I guess I am off aswell. [/i] He decided to give chase after Katherine. Throwing glances over his own shoulder to see if he was being followed . But Katherine had gained some distance thus he had to use his water powers to not lose track of her, creating a vortex of spinning water under his feet which in turn he stood upon as it made it's way forwards at a higher speed than he could run at. Upon arriving at the destination he surveyed the surroundings and those present. Cassius, Katherine and Samoth. He was the fourth to arrive on the scene unless... Andreim activated his thermal vision and looked about for any other heatsources nearby to make sure no one was spying on them. Before he loosened control of his water manipulation, letting his shoes touch the ground again, then he slowly made his way forwards on soft steps until he was behind Katherine. Andreim began to attune to cold temperature and tried to blow some cold air at Katherine's neck just to creep her out even further. [b]"You gave chase after Cassius the quick, like a hunter chasing a prey. Yet take caution for you may be hunted yourself at times... Katherine the blaze."[/b] Andreim crossed his arms and gave her a soft smile look before turning to Cassius and Samoth, looking them both over and then nodding towards the building. [b] "Remember to be polite when we get indoors. We may be unwanted guests."[/b] [@6slyboy6][@Bartimaeus][@Inertia]