super late i talked with lovely, and since im new to this, i'll probably only write part time to get the hang of things [hider=Abigail Short][center][h3][color=#3fff00]Username: Spr0cket[/color][/h3][hr][hr] [img][/img] [img][/img] [hr][hr][h3][color=#3fff00]"You're only in trouble if you get caught."[/color][/h3][/center] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] N I C K N A M E (S) [/u]| |[/b][/color] [list][*] Abby [*] Cade [/list] [/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] A G E [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent]16, 10-26-2026 [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] G E N D E R [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent]Female [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] S E X U A L I T Y [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent]Pansexual [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent]None of your goddamn business! [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] O C C U P A T I O N [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent][i]Sometimes I will help my fellow students with their grades, I charge a very reasonable fee.[/i] [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] C L A S S I F I C A T I O N [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent]Junior [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] R O L E [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent]Theater Kid - audio and lights Part of the Drama Club ([i]This happened by accident[/i]) Could be considered a nerd ([i]Only because I am smart and like computers[/i]) Capable of doing sports ([i]However I don't hang out with the Jocks[/i]) [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] I N D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent] Brown hair and hazel eyes. [i]There are dark circles under my eyes from staring at a computer screen too much and dark bruises are pretty much everywhere else from getting slammed too much during some recent matches.[/i] [/indent][/indent] [hr][center][h3]W H O A M I ?[/h3][/center] [hr] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] H A B I T S | Q U I R K S | O D D I T I E S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Rollerblading: [i]I love the feeling of floating everywhere, unfortunately the school board frowns upon the use of roller-blades in the hallways, but there are no actual rules against the use of heelys.[/i] [*] Sweet Tooth: [i]It is much easier to get me to do favors if there is an offering of sugar.[/i] [*] Extra Copy: [i]Too many times my reading material has been taken away from me so I have learned to always have multiple copies of whatever I'm reading on my person at all times.[/i] [/list] [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] D R E A M S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent] [i]I want to be what every little girl dreams of after watching all of the Star Wars movies... A fighter pilot for the Air-force. [/i] [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] L I K E S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Computers [*] Books [*] Cupcakes/Cookies [*] Roller Derby [/list] [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] D I S L I K E S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Incense [*] Running [*] Frosting [*] Being threatened [/list] [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] F E A R S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed place. [*] Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark. [/list] [/indent][/indent] [hr][center][h3]D E F I N I N G M Y P A S T[/h3][/center] [hr] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] H I S T O R Y [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent][i]Two parents, one older brother, one dog, and all of our crap. This was my checklist when we moved to Los Angeles last year. Tossing the post-it in the garbage bin, I surveyed my room for anything else I wished to purge from my past. 'They don't matter and they can't hurt you here' I reminded myself for the billionth time. I glanced over at the picture of me and Dale after our first won match and smiled to myself. 'They can't hurt me anymore and they don't matter.' The present and the future are what matter so there is no point in lingering on what I have decided to throw away. However... I guess the past year hasn't been so bad. If I hadn't dated that dork I never would have met Dale, so there were some silver linings. Don't get me wrong. He's not a bad guy and we still get along great, but he just had too many internal wars that I couldn't deal with. Plus I think he kept craving something I couldn't give him. More importantly! Everyone has to pay for college somehow and I suppose having my small growing business is a good start. At first I just changed some small things, like my tardiness record and some of my less impressive grades got bumped up a bit. Eventually I had the brilliant thought of monetizing these "special" skills. Need a few points to pass that class? No problem. You missed a few classes? That's super weird, I'm pretty sure I saw you there. All it costs is a small fee (preferably cash, but I also accept baked goods and favors). HOT or not? I hold no regard for the hierarchy of this school. Ophelia tried to insult my brother once, but afterwards she just started randomly doing really bad on all of her Math tests and all the records of her homework kept disappearing. She was very thankful when I helped her to track them down and now they don't mess with me anymore. It's a good thing, I think, to help out others in need. [/i] [/indent][/indent] [hr][center][h3]A C A D E M I C S[/h3][/center] [hr] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Roller Derby [*] Sneaks into the computer lab to put her coding skills to a practical use [*] Helps out the Drama Club [/list] [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [b]| B E S T |[/b] [indent][list][*] Calculus [*] Computer Science [*] History [/list] [/indent] [b]| W O R S T |[/b] [indent][list][*] Spanish [*] Geography [/list] [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=#3fff00][b]| |[u] E X T R A N O T E S [/u]| |[/b][/color] [indent]FC: Jennifer Connelly (Young);; [color=#3fff00][b]3fff00[/b][/color] [hider=Questions]1)The Unholy Trinity;; Hot - Hailey. Ophelia. Trixie. 2) Love. Ophelia. 3) Connor. 5. Rules: Sushi [/hider] [/indent][/indent][/hider]