[center][h2]DEMOCRACY: Bassong Administration (1993-)[/h2][/center][hr][hr] [b]Week 8, October 1993[/b] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/V13OX0g.png[/img] [i]Symbol for Samuel Bassong's Liberty Coalition Government (1993-)[/i][/center] The [b]Bassong Administration[/b], in conjunction with the Minister of Defense decided to mobilize the [b]4th "Onige" Infantry Division[/b] into the province of Ziwa. Near the end of October the infantry division left it's home in Goupouy, Onige province and headed toward Ziwa. The division with a paper strength of 8,800 men was closer to 6,500, but had the 12 Panhard VBL armored vehicles for it's mobile force recon platoon. They would reach the province three days later on October 30th. These would conduct patrols between the villages where the citizens there were most vulnerable. President Bassong had decided that the big stick was best carried softly and officially adopted the policy of [b]Preemptive Community Policing and Deescalating Lawlessness[/b] as the national domestic idea for handling the National Militias. [center][img]http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/modern/France/Panhard_VBL/Panhard_VBL.png[/img] [i]French purchased Panhard VBL[/i][/center] Mobilizing the infantry division would [u]not[/u] be a priceless affair and it was estimated they weir deployment would cost between [b][color=red]$25,000,000[/color][/b] and [b][color=red]$33,000,000[/color][/b] a month. Among the Panhard VBL's was a veritable fleet of British purchased [b]Range Rover U.V.L's[/b], which officers and small squads of soldiers could use to travel the province along what dirt roads were available. There were no immediate effects of the mobilization of the [b]4th[/b], who had barely finished entering the territory by the end of the month. [center][img]http://www.remlr.com/photos/pics7/nz_army_v8_06.jpg[/img] [i]Range Rover U.V.L's, 1993[/i][/center] The [b]Expansion of the Kamidye Rail Line[/b] began. In order to expand Kamidye's public transport infrastructure to make it easier for Samgolans from all walks of life in our nation's capital to have access to all sections of their city and to more easily commute to and from their place of work, our government has doubled spending on the Kamidye Rail Line. Part of this increased spending will go towards more regular maintenance on existing rail lines, to increase the quality of service that the residents of Kamidye can expect from their public transportation system. The rest of the additional funding is assigned towards an expansion of the Kamidye Rail Line itself, extending the system to southern sections of the city previously left without a reliable system of public transportation. These significant investments are in keeping with the promises of President Samuel Bassong to improve upon infrastructure in our nation's urban areas. While the [b]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/b] had proposed the [b]Kamidye Rail Line Construction Bill[/b], which would appropriate private businesses for the benefit of the expansion, work began in earnest as the Samgolan Constitution required passed bills without an effective date to begin immediately. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fBVUPzy.png[/img] [i]Samgolan soldiers on patrol in Ziwa, late October, 1993[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=PROPOSALS][hider=Freedom of Health Act] [b][u]Preamble[/u][/b]: Whereas this bill will aim to legalize the existence of private healthcare facilities and provide the opportunity for the private sector to sell medicinal remedies and treatment directly to the public. [u]Article 1[/u]: The monopoly of the National Hospitals over the healthcare industry of Samgola will be ended. Private healthcare clinics shall be permitted to be established in parallel to the public healthcare system, to allow those Samgolan citizens for whom supremely expedient and quality care is a priority to pay for their medical treatment of their own accord. ([i]Liberty[/i]) [u]Article 2[/u]: Private medical companies will be able to legally distribute and advertise medicinal remedies as a product directly to the public, under the regulation of the Department of Labour & Health. [u]Article 3[/u]: Newly created medicinal remedies will be protected under current patent law within Samgola. [/hider] [hider=Kamidye Rail Line Construction Bill] Preamble: This Bill aims to make it so, that the construction of the Kamidye Rail Line would be done by the Private Sector. Article 1: Private companies will bid on the opportunity to design and build the Kamidye Rail Line. [Competition] Article 2: The government will maintain small oversight over the Construction Project, to make sure it is build up to Samgolan' Safety Standards - yet will not directly interfere in the building of the Rail Line. [Neutral][/hider] [/hider] [hider=VOTING][/hider] [hider=ONGOING] 1. [b]Unemployment[/b]: At its simplest this is a count of the percentage of your population who aren't in gainful employment. Adjusted to omit those citizens who are not actively seeking work for one reason or another. * [b]Current[/b]: 21.3% * [b]Effecting[/b]: [b][color=red]Number of Poor, Trade Unionist Approval, Number of Commuters, GDP[/color][/b][/hider] [center]Every [b]6 Hours[/b], a week passes. [u]Currently[/u]: Week 8 of 16, October 1993 ([i]Turn 1[/i])[/center]