Ashley Reagan/Female/ 21/ Pop Star Location: Heji Maushtia (most expensive hotel in Tokyo) Ashley was watching the news, every news outlet in Japan was talking about terrorist attack at The Four Skirts concert last night, more specifically how Ashley reacted to it and how many lives she saved. Ashley Reagan/Female/ 21/ Pop Star Location: The Four Skirts concert the previous night Ashley was singing their newest hit single when there was an explosion. Armed gunman came barrelling into the arena shooting at everyone. Ashley's sisters ran backstage. Ashley used her powers to rocket burst towards the murderers. When she landed she generated a light mist, a hazy almost fog like effect that obscured the surrounding area, to distract them while the fans ran to safety. She then proceeded to shoot them with lasers. When the sound of gunfire stopped the oldest Reagan sister found Ashley on her knees sobbing holding a little girl with a bullet hole in her forehead. Ashley Reagan/Female/ 21/ Pop Star Location: Heji Maushtia Ashley's three older sisters were busily packing their bags, the rest of the world tour was cancelled. Ashley never bothered to unpack. With all the terrorists dead and no one taking credit for it, she was afraid who ever they were affiliated with would attack the plane she was on. Her sisters didn't know it but she was staying to ensure they left safely. That would involve using the paparazzi for everything they were worth which wasn't much but their constant harassment of her and her sisters would finally come in handy. She left the hotel making sure the paparazzi were following her. A Japanese woman approached her, the woman was obviously grieving. In very bad English the woman thanked Ashley for killing the terrorists. Ashley just held the woman as they both cried.