Felix raised his eyebrows in compliment at the impressive Noivern that emerged from it’s ball, pretending not to have noticed a brooding look that passed between Connor has his own Eeveelution. Maybe this guy wasn’t as friendly as he made out… Felix was especially concerned with the staring from Umbreon to Vaporeon… He pulled a small microfibre towel from his bag as Connor took a phone call. He towel dried his Vaporeon, keeping one ear out on Connor’s conversation, blushing as he caught Connor’s glance, quickly looking away now with his own secretive smile. His Vaporeon cocked it’s head at his expression and nudged his hand to continue the rub down. He was caught off guard by Connor’s question regarding legendary pokemon. “Erm... yeah I heard that” He was not sure what to say. He was a scientist and ran on fact so did not want to speculate on the existence on a range of creatures who wielded powers beyond the imaginations of humanity. He stood up while he thought and drew his Lapras back into its pokeball leaving his VUlpix and Vaporeon to flank him. “Well I’m not really sure but fancy an explanation while we go and check out the gym opening?”. He made towards the edge of the park with his pokemon trotting in tow and took a deep breath. “I was diving in the Pacific, filming Sharpedoes, in the middle of nowhere.” He stopped to emphasis his point, “Literally no land for hundreds of miles.” He then carried on with a more dreamlike look on his face. “We picked up an unknown frequency. It was similar to a whale song but of an unknown species. Our sonar then picked up an enormous mass deep beneath the ship moving at an incredible speed. The shape was like nothing any of us had seen before and the other members of the team put it down to a sonar distortion and a mass shoal of smaller fish in a safety response to the new predators. But I knew better. I knew that shape as familiar. Kyogre.” They had reached the edge of the park and picked up his Vulpix to cross the road. “But the thought of a creature with such power and no reason to be benevolent is terrifying and who’d believe me anyway?” he finished with a shrug. They’d now reached the new gym but Felix led Connor and their pokemon around the swarming crowds desperate for one of the limited seats to a side entrance. He flashed his press ID at the security and led Connor inside. “So what’s your view on the these legendaries?” he asked as they emerged from a corridor into the light of an large arena.