Name: Flynn Donovan Alias: Mirage Powers: Flynn's powers are based around illusion and disorientation. -Disguise: Flynn can alter the space around himself to project an illusion, causing him to appear to be someone else, or making him temporarily invisible, though it does nothing to mask sounds as he moves. -Mirror Image: Flynn can generate illusory duplicates of himself, making it difficult to follow his movement or actions, and providing him with decoy targets. -Paranoia/Deception: Flynn has the ability to make others see things that he wants them to see, even though they aren't really there. This can be a specific illusion, or can tap into specific emotions (i.e. - Make someone face their greatest fear, see someone they love and/or are attracted to, see friends/loved one dead, etc.) This power requires Flynn to make physical contact with the victim. Background: Flynn's powers manifested later in his life than most of his fellow mutants. With no means of controlling his abilities, Flynn fell prey to his own illusions and confusion. The extended time he spent lost in a fake reality, plagued by manifestations of his fears and warped versions of reality took its toll on him, eventually resulting in a mental breakdown. Flynn spent two years in a mental ward where he was put through the motions of being "rehabilitated", all the while be studied and experimented on by the human medical staff to understand mutants better. Eventually, Flynn was able to gain some degree of control over his powers, and was able to use them to escape. Having developed a disdain for normal humans, Flynn now uses his powers to spread panic and chaos, doing what he wants along the way. Appearance: [img][/img] Equipment: Flynn doesn't carry much, mostly using his powers to get by. He does keep a knife in his boot, and a pistol in the waist of his pants in case he should need it, though he rarely uses either, preferring to leave a little of a trace as he can. Other: Flynn is fascinated by mutant powers, both his own and those of others. He has been known to seek out other mutants and sometimes even stalk them, studying their actions and their powers. He has considered the possibility of recruiting others like him to work with, or to eliminate those he sees as a threat, but so far, neither of these has happened.