[center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/3ZSpiSFYooVX8sNOL0olOLTqAcs=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5f26/th/pre/f/2015/199/8/6/totalitarian_peacefulism_by_americansfr-d91tury.jpg[/img] [h1][color=RED][i]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/i][/color][/h1] [h2][b]National Assembly[/b][/h2] [/center] "The STU votes in favor of yes - do allow the Private Enterprise a chance to compete with the National Hospitals on an equal playing field. But I implore the members of the Coalition to make sure, that rural areas would not be subjected to any unfair monopolies that might form - due to the lack of any other quality healthcare in their region," spoke Ahmar Jurhen. The Samgolan Technocratic Union still believed that equal competition would promote progress and better standards. Although he was doubtful if this would reach the rural regions - which might have to rely on unfair prices, if no alternative would be available. At any rate, the STU would keep their eyes open on this subject - and step in, should the situation in the rural region spiral out of control. [hider=Actions] [u]Vote Yes[/u] on the Freedom of Health Act. [/hider]