Connor retreated his Gyarados from the lake in order to follow Felix. "What about you?" he asked Umbreon. Umbreon gave a quick look at Vaporeon and shook his head at Connor, indicating he would like to stay out for a bit longer. Connor nodded in agreement and started to follow Felix with Umbreon at his side. While Felix talked about Kyogre, Connor listened with a great interest. What made legendary pokemon reveal themselves to normal people? Did they decide they were worthy or was it pure coinsidence? Whatever the case, Ho-oh did a lot more than show itself. Upon arrival at the gym, they noticed how cold it was in there. A blonde woman dressed in white revealed herself as Phoebe, the new gym leader. She held a speech about how her gym would be nothing like the other gym in the city. She also explained that a second gym was legal as long as it wasn't in the same district, which it wasn't. Neal's steel type gym was in the west district while Phoebe's ice gym was in the east district of the city. Next thing they knew, Julien walked up to Phoebe and challenged her. His Gyarados immediatly mega-evolved but was no match for Phoebe's Articuno. Connor gasped in disbelief. "Unbelievable! I've seen Lucien beat Neal with my own eyes but he didn't last a minute in there." Connor quickly texted Damian. [i]What intel does T.R. have on Articuno?[/i] While he waited for the answer, he peered at Felix. "We are going to need to train before we even think of challenging Phoebe."