Elisabeth walked out of the hair salon, admiring herself in its window for a moment. The absolute BEST part about this job was that she was finally able to do something with her hair, now that her identity was more or less just out there - at least out to the people she would have had to worry about before now. She still couldn't believe how much they had been willing to overlook when that SHIELD agent tracked her down and gave her the offer. She could understand though. She was basically a god. She smiled... she could still see the fear in their eyes - subtle but there. There was no way to restrain her on a regular basis. Sure, they could try chaining her up. It wouldn't go so well for them. Electric shock collars? heh. Couldn't inject anything in her either. Still, she had no plans to turn on them. They paid well, both in fight quality, and in cold, hard cash. The list of people still to be registered included some real fun ones - Wolverine was on there somewhere: apparently the entire X-men team were a problem, there was a team going off to annoy them today. She had different, and much more local quarry to deal with today, however. [hr] [color=8493ca]A Few Hours later...[/color] [hr] Daredevil. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Some crazy blind dude beating people up in the slums. Call him what you want, he was one hell of an annoyance. Broke up a drug stint she was hired to protect once. Managed to get spider-man involved. Now that guy was an actual challenge. didn't fight fair with that goddamned webbing tripping her up. He seemed unaware of her powers and let her ramp up before they faced off, and it's the only reason she won - she knew he wouldn't be so dumb next time. Fortunately, he was on the side of Iron Man, so she knew he was really Peter Parker - and had potential outs that way if he switched sides. she shook her head as she headed off into a back alley, climbing up the fire escape of a building now that she was getting towards the slums. When she reached the top of the building, she took off her backpack, taking out her costume. Her costume supplier really knew what he was doing with the jacket. she had no idea how he got it as durable as it was, and she wasn't gonna question that, for sure. She took off her sweater, and stuffed it into her backpack. Zipping up the jacket of the suit, she took off her jeans to reveal the tights underneath. Pulling her mask over her face, and then fixing her hair in a small mirror, she put on her sleeves and was ready. She'd heard through the grapevine that Bonehead was trying to pull off a stunt at a local bank, and that Daredevil had caught wind of it. It should just be ...three blocks away? And in about 10 minutes. Force judged the distance between this building and the next. She could probably make it with a running start... [b]THUNK[/b] [i]Never mind[/i] she thought, landing in the alley between the two. She inhaled deeply, the impact from the landing turning her arms aglow. [color=7ea7d8]"Ahhhh...."[/color] These next few minutes were gonna be a BITCH to wait through now. [i]On the bright side...[/i] she dug her hand into the brick siding of the building [i]...don't need the fire escape to get back up.[/i] She made the jump over the next few buildings until she was across from the bank in question, and waited. A large explosion cued her that something was up, and the flash of a red clad man on another building showed her that her intel was right. Daredevil entered the building through the second floor, and she could see the flash of gunfire a few moments later, quickly stopping as, she guessed, he took the gunmen down. [i]Showtime...[/i] she thought, jumping off of that building as well. She landed on someone's car - [i]oops,[/i] she thought sarcastically - and walked in through the bank's front door. The two goons of Bonehead's left in the lobby immediately opened fire on her, the bullets simply hitting her, losing all momentum, and dropping to the floor as she walked towards them. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm not your problem,"[/color] she said, noticing Daredevil coming up from behind them. They turned but a moment too late, his billy club connecting with the head of the first, as he neatly rolled to the second, kneecapping him, knocking the gun out of the man's hand with his knee. He looked nervously towards Force. [color=ed1c24]"My job, could manage it on my own."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"That's not why I'm here,"[/color] She replied, really wishing he could see her new hair. [color=ed1c24]"Why then?"[/color] She smiled devilishly. [color=7ea7d8]"As an unregistered crimefighter, you are acting in violation of the Fifty States Initiative. as an official operative of the SHIELD organization, I am therefore obligated to arrest you. Lay down your arms and come quietly. But please don't, actually. I came here for a good fight."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Thought they'd track me down eventually"[/color] he sighed, as he shot his grapnel towards Force. She caught it, and began pulling it towards her. He attempted to whip it out of her hand, but she was too powerful at this point, thanks to the gunfire from the goons. [color=7ea7d8]"Should have gotten down here quicker"[/color] she smiled as he was forced to let go. She threw away the batons, and he tried to make a break for it. she pointed her hand at him and shot off a quick beam of energy before chasing after him. It hit him in the side with quite a lot of force, and he stumbled for a moment - enough for her to catch up and tackle him. [color=7ea7d8]"you really weren't a challenge,"[/color] she sighed, as she bashed his face into the floor of the bank lobby. Pulling a pair of handcuffs out of a fanny pack like-pocket on the left side of her costume, she quickly restrained the unconscious man. Walking back across the room, carrying him in one hand, she grabbed his baton, and wrapped it around his legs. Pressing the communicator on her ear, she spoke to SHIELD headquarters. [color=7ea7d8]"Daredevil acquired, should be to the meeting point in 15 minutes,"[/color] she said, beginning the walk towards a nearby warehouse, where a shield prison van should be waiting.