[hider=Ghost] [img]http://stuffpoint.com/anime-and-manga/image/311704-anime-and-manga-long-green-haired-schoolgirl.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Karoline Hope [b]Alias:[/b] Ghost [b]Faction:[/b] Ironman [b]Race:[/b] Cyborg Human [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Powers:[/b] Karoline is a [u]chameleon[/u] - in essence able to change her shape. Namely able to change her shape and form to anybody - this applies only to their appearance and not in essence their powers. Due to being a chameleon, she is also able to in-essence turn [u]invisible[/u] as well. In addition to that, she has had a lot of experience in cyberspace - being an experienced Gray and White Hat ([u]hacker[/u]). [b]Personality:[/b] Despite her history, Karoline has ended up a rather average in her attitude of the world. Her personality is that of a regular computer geek, mixed in with a taste of a rock-fan and of a college student. This is both her attitude at work and off-it - while in other forms, she usually picks and fills out a stereotype. [b]Appearance:[/b] It depends on the situation, but Karoline usually likes to take on the form of a rather, average-looking Japanese girl with green hair and green eyes as her default appearance. [b]Bio:[/b] Karoline Hope had been born to a rather poor circumstances - namely her biological mother had been living in poverty and was in one situation force to give-up Karoline to an orphanage at a young age. Sadly it had connections with PMC called Shadow-Scythe that was dealing with experimentations into human enhancement. Namely utilizing children lost in Social System, as test subjects. They had made significant process into upgrading several subjects with certain biological and mechanical enhancements that barely interfered with the human biology and was almost invisible to regular touch. As such when the Avengers apprehended and destroyed Shadow-Scythe many of these young teens were rescued and most of their memories erased or forgotten. Most of the others were found-out, when their enhancements started to interrupt their biological bodies - although Karoline Hope slipped under the radar. As most of her augmentations dealt with Infiltration - as such, many of her augmentations dealt with her sub-dermal and skeletal structure. Although, many of the biological enchantments made her smarter than the regular human - which Karoline utilized to her fullest when she went into IT. From there-on, she was hooked into cyber-vigilantism - using her hacking skills to do good and catch corruption in it's trails. Although, she was caught on a few occasions, for violating National Security for doing so. In an effort, to work in a more 'productive' fashion - she employed herself out as a White-Hat - or namely using her skills in a legal fashion. Eventually landing in Stark Industries and from there, having an outlet for her other skills. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Ironman (Ally, Employer) [b]Power Grid:[/b] INTELLIGENCE 5 STRENGTH 3 SPEED 3 DURABILITY 3 ENERGY 1 FIGHTING 3 [/hider] [@Grec] Is it okay?