[b][color=6ecff6][h3]Vittorio[/h3][/color][/b] He had been silent as he often were. Only speaking if he truly felt like he could add something or was asked. He never joined the meetings in his physical form, it was just too much of a bother. [b][color=6ecff6]"If we want to win the tournament then how about we make certain their strongest cannot make it to the tournament?" [/color][/b] His astral self turned its head to the left and right to all the shadowy figures around the table. [b][color=6ecff6]"If the one named Alto were to vanish then their chances would drastically drop. What I am suggesting is to retrieve him." [/color][/b] Seldom did he enjoy talking to any of those in the school, but right now he needed to convince them to aid in capturing Alto. If it would fail they could still join the tournament and he would have a shot at killing him right there. [b][color=6ecff6]"You have beaten him before Clara. You could do it again. But this time we go out in force during the night and find him. Without him they will lose morale and fight amongst themselves which shall effect their performance." [/color][/b] His astral self smiled a healthy smile, but it was a content smile. A premonition of vengeance to be taken, where the divine providence would be delivered by his own hands.[b][color=6ecff6] "Another option is taking one of those close to him and use as bait to lure him out. Gilliam you could disguise your way into their midst could you not?"[/color][/b] [@Hammerman][@RoflsMazoy][@HeroicSociopath][@KillamriX88]