[center][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM2ZWU4MmMtODZjZC00NmUyLWFjYzAtNDE3MTlhYzgwMzM2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_UY317_CR9,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180210/dab2d94387ff12e4c22bd99ac87dfa5c.png[/img][/center] [center][color=red]Location[/color] Home/Grimaldi's Pizza[/center] [center][color=red]Interacting With[/color] Sandra Miller[/center] Running wasn't working. Usually whenever she was stressed or trying to work something out running would help clear her head and give her focus but not this morning. This morning she just couldn't seem to find her rhythm and none of her normal running music made any difference, she just couldn't forget that damned dream last night. It had been so vivid, the colours sharp and the sounds crystal clear, that it had seemed truly real and even after waking it had taken her a few moments to realise she had been dreaming. The events in the dream had been fragmented making no sense in the light of day but seeming perfectly logical in the dream. It had centred around her time suffering from the Barracuda Virus and she had really believed she was dying all over again. She had once again been lying helpless in her sweat soaked bed surrounded by the smell of sickness. Too weak to move or even eat and plagued with delirium she had assumed she wasn't going to live through it and part of her hadn't wanted to. But by far the worse part of the dream had been the overwhelming sense of disappointment that didn't come from her but more surrounded her. She couldn't help but feel it had been her father and the idea that she might have disappointed him was almost more than she could bear. Giving up on the run she walked back to the house and let herself in the back door. The kitchen was bright with the morning light and for a moment Tabitha told herself she was back in Scotland. Their kitchen there had faced east and so tey always got the first morning light there too. But the moment passed and she reminded herself once again that this was her life now, Brooklyn America not Edinburgh Scotland. [color=red]"Morning, how was your run?"[/color] Sandra Miller looked up from where she was sitting at the breakfast counter holding a steaming mug of coffee. [color=red]"Morning, it was ok."[/color] Although the relationship between Tabitha and her mother had greatly improved, thanks to her mother's care of her when she had been sick, Tabitha didn't feel comfortable telling her about her dream. [color=red]"Is everything okay with you?"[/color] Her mother asked watching her steadily. [color=red]"I heard you crying last night."[/color] Tabitha turned away from her mothers gaze, uncomfortable, and busied herself making a mug of tea. [color=red]"I'm fine, it was just a bad dream. Honestly I'm good."[/color] Her mother reached over and laid her hand on top of Tabitha's her hand warm and soft. [color=red]"Alright but you know you can talk to me right?"[/color] Tabitha gently squeezed her mothers hand and smiled. [color=red]"I know I can. I promise I'm fine."[/color] Her mother removed her hand and smiled back clearly deciding to let the subject go for which Tabitha was grateful. Things had been very different when she had first arrived. Her mother had been a stranger to her and didn't seem to want her estranged daughter around at all. They had been distant and awkward with each other and Tabitha knew some of that had been her fault, she hadn't wanted to move thousands of miles from home and live with a woman who had shown no interest in her before this. She had just lost her father and didn't want to try and get to know this woman or show her the grief she felt. The virus had changed all that and it was the one good thing to come of the tragedy as far as she was concerned. She and her mother had finally formed a connection, her mother tirelessly looking after her and then being there when the grief became too much to hide. They still had a long way to go yet but the two of them now wanted to form a stronger relationship. [color=red]"So any plans for today?"[/color] Her mother asked. Tabitha shrugged. [color=red]"Not really. Why?"[/color] Her mother grinned. [color=red]"Well I happen to have the day off work and I wondered if you'd like to help me finally decorate your room?"[/color] They spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon up in Tabitha's bedroom, which had been a spare room previously, painting the walls and it turned out to be surprisingly fun for both of them. As much paint ended up on each other as went on the walls but neither of them cared. They spent the time just chatting, talking about their favourite tv shows or laughing about stories her mother told her about her work. It was relaxed and fun and Tabitha's natural cheerful nature began to reassert it'self once again, she was not by nature a serious or brooding person and she couldn't help but enjoy the time. Once the walls were done and they had both showered and changed they decided food was in order. Sandra suggested pizza and offered to take her to the local pizza place which apparently made the best pizza's around, and thirty minutes later they were pulling into the car park. A bell rang as her mother pushed the door open and Tabitha jumped in surprise before laughing quietly at her own jumpiness. She followed her mother to the front counter where a dark haired young woman and an older man stood. Tabitha was glancing at the menu's above the counter when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned and only just managed not to scream. She bit down on her lower lip as she stared at the man who had appeared behind her. It wasn't possible...it just wasn't possible. [color=red]"Daddy?"[/color] She whispered her voice childlike in her shock The man looked at her for a long moment without speaking before he finally nodded and said.[color=red]"It's me."[/color] [color=red]"But...you died, back in Scotland. You can't be here. How are you here?"[/color] [color=red]"Does it matter? Besides, you wanted to be with me again didn't you?"[/color] He looked sad. [color=red]"I know what you were thinking."[/color] Tabitha felt faint, how could he be here? and how could he know that? She hadn't told anyone not even her mother. A very large part of her had wanted to die when she became sick, not because of the pain of the virus but because she simply didn't think she could go on without her father. She still felt like that some days but not as many thanks to her mother. She wondered then if he truly was disappointed in her like she had dreamed last night. Had he come here to tell her that? That he couldn't believe she would even consider something like that? Or maybe he understood and had come to tell her it was ok. [color=red]"Daddy I..."[/color] She was interrupted then by her mothers voice and she quickly turned back to face her. [color=red]"Are you okay hon?"[/color] Her mother asked concerned. Tabitha looked behind her again but her father was gone, if he had ever been there at all. Either she was seeing things or being haunted and both options were pretty scary to think about. She forced a smile. [color=red]"I'm fine, my mind just wandered."[/color] [color=red]"I was asking what you were having?"[/color] Her mother said. [color=red]"Ummmm."[/color] Food was the last thing she wanted now but she wasn't about to admit that. She addressed her mother and the woman behind the counter. [color=red]"I have no idea what's good here. How about you surprise me?"[/color] She was unaware of it but the scottish lilt in her voice was stronger than it had been earlier.