I'd like to open the floor for discussion on the topic of godmoding in hopes of getting some feedback on the topic. Something I have recently run into in roleplays and my interaction with other characters is whether it is appropriate to take liberties with there characters in order to forward the story at an acceptable rate. My sort of standing rule for this is that it is never appropriate, but with posts between all participating parties spanning days I sort of feel like it slows down the progression of a sub-plot you might having with another character or cause inter-character dialogue to drag on and thereby slow down the entire plot. For example, in one of the RPs I am participating my character, Miles, is approached by another character, Lacie, because her other character is drowning. So, I responded with a relatively short post and I was debating having us both run back to the river to help the drowning character but I didn't want to god-mod her character if that wasn't her attention. So, I leave it to her. You can see what I am referring to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ic]here[/url] (it should be the last two IC posts). I have also just started getting back into role-playing after several years of absence and I am not very far in any of the RPs that I am participating in right now so it possibly just works itself out. Has any one else ran into this or do you have a certain approach for this?