[center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/3ZSpiSFYooVX8sNOL0olOLTqAcs=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5f26/th/pre/f/2015/199/8/6/totalitarian_peacefulism_by_americansfr-d91tury.jpg[/img] [h1][color=RED][i]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/i][/color][/h1] [h2][b]National Assembly[/b][/h2] [/center] Ahmar Jurhen agreed in principle with the idea of the Lawful Protection Bureau. As corruption was still evident in Samgola it was all the better to have a Government Agency to start looking into the numerous arrests and loopholes in their newly democratic nation. In return, less corruption meant less taxpayer money lost into the system and actual improvement over their bureaucratic system. "If it ever came to a vote - the Samgolan Patriotic Party and its Bill for the Lawful Protection Bureau can expect the support of the STU," spoke Jurhen. In addition, he also voted Yes - on their proposed KRL Construction Bill. Now would come the moment of truth for the Samgolan Technocratic Union. [hider=Actions] [u]Vote Yes[/u] on the Kamidye Rail Line Construction Bill. [/hider]