[@KatherinWinter] Wait are you saying he's not allowed to create anything or the explanation of the creation of nothing? If it's the latter, think of it like the removal of energy and therefore the creation of an Absence(Nothing). Darkness and Shadows are just the lack or absence of light energies so his biggest power right now is to remove light energy, therefore, creating a lack of light to make darkness and cover areas. I didn't want to just get him stuck on that so I figured with enough time he can create Silence(Removal of Sounds Energy) or Cold(Removal of Thermal Energy). If I really wanted to be OP i'd probably also make it so his powers can Remove Gravity, Making him fly and sending people to space, or Remove kinetic energy, Being able to completely negate punches and bullets, but I think those are end goal stuff or probably something I'm cool him not being able to do. If you were just asking for clarification and not asking me to change his OP powers should I just basically write in the character sheet what I wrote here?