[center][color=firebrick][u][h2]Labour Front[/h2][/u][h3]The Ground Game[/h3][/color][/center] The Labour Front, an alliance of socialist groups and small trade unions burned with an enthusiasm as the national elections had concluded and revealed a considerable success in the Dabrado province where the party had achieved the fourth largest share of votes, succeeding over a more entrenched party like the S.P.P. and earning them a seat in the National Assembly. Whilst the results themselves could be considered meager in the grand scheme of Samgolan politics, to the fledgling party the results were high above expectation and they moved quickly to consolidate what gains had been made. Dabrado and the province's major city of Tenkosse in particular were subject to a renewed campaign by the Labour Front and it's activists. Their efforts made ever the more urgent with the unfortunate death of an MNA whose seat would be now up for election. The ground game was under way as fliers and posters began appearing across walls and boards, Labour Front rallies supportive of greater state intervention and provisions for the poorest in society held in prominent places. Amen Mensah, the Labour Front leader likewise kept busy, appearing personally at a number of rallies before hosting a fundraiser in Dabrado where before an assembled crowd of party voters, trade union leaders and fringe groups the party leader promised that "this first step was the beginning of great things. The kindling to a flame of change in Samgola!" The actions of the Labour Front would not stop there however. Before the first four months of the new government were through Mr Mensah to some surprise appeared a distance away from the Front's base of support in Dabrado in the province of Nambe. Before an assembled crowd of onlookers Mr. Mensah began the party's first incursion into the new province with a speech denouncing the national militias as "obstacles to peace" in the newly resurgent nation. With a peaceful overtone Mr. Mensah requested that the active militias "lay down their arms. The war was over and the path to a peaceful and stable nation lay open." [hider=Actions of the Labour Front] [b] Voting:[/b] - Vote [b]No[/b] on the Kamidye Rail Line Construction Bill [b]Actions:[/b] 0/4 remaining - [b]Fundraise[/b] in the capital of Kamidye - [b]Fundraise[/b] in the Dabrado province - [b]Campaign: Ground Game:[/b] 4 Months / 100 Activists / Chosen Demographic: Poor / Province of Dabrado Cost: $200,000 in total - [b]Give Speech[/b] denouncing the National Militias in the Province of Nambe Cost: $70,000 Remaining Funds: $485,560 [/hider]