Lise opened one eye after Andreim's enthusiastic reply, scanning the party. Though she was expecting more, the fact that the only polite one there (other than perhaps Cyan) spoke up was probably as good as she would get from this group. The others quickly formed their own teams and shuffled off, but not before Cyan whispered an advisory remark to Lise: "[color=cyan]Be careful.[/color]" Lise internally rolled her eyes. To think that of all people, Cyan was concerned about her! At the same time, she felt a pang of regret at her initial reaction. Cyan probably was showing concern as a friend. After all, they were friends, right? Ignoring her rather un-confident thoughts, Lise strode over to Andreim confidently. "[color=pink]So. Shall we?[/color]" She said, folding her parasol and stowing it in her bag. [@Dezuel]