[color=f7941d][h3]Isana Seiger[/h3][/color] Isana's and Alice's Apartment 7:30PM [hr] [i]ding[/i] The elevator doors opened, a few people milling out onto the ground floor of the building and brushing past her. She stepped inside, quickly pressing the button for the 29th floor before anyone else had the audacity to intrude on the sanctity of an elevator ride. Having a rich...'friend' had its perks. Like being able to live in a cushy almost penthouse level suite. Compared to her admittedly average paycheck, it was a godsend. As long as she entertained Alice occasionally, she basically could get anything she wanted...without spending a dime of her own. Heh. She yawned, loosening the tie around her neck and undoing a few buttons on her clothes. Blegh, she hated these damn things. If she could just walk around in her underwear everywhere, that'd be ten times better. At least work had gone same as ever. Boring. Mundane. Mind numbingly so. She had to stay and work a bit overtime, too. She hated it. Sure, she could fix a computer and handle software fairly well, but it wasn't exactly enthralling work. More of something to just distract her from her usual apathy towards, well, life. A little fact she tried not to dwell on too much. Soon as she had saved up enough money, she was going to retire and spend the rest of her life doing whatever the fuck she wanted...well. If. If she could make enough money to do so. With her current job, the chances were...slim. Average pay, average benefits...she saved about a third of her paycheck, used the rest on necessities, and the other half at casinos. She didn't believe in luck, but it was a...slightly better than average way of getting rich quick. Too bad today she just broke even. [i]Ding[/i] The elevator finally stopped, reaching the 29th floor without much of an issue. Isana stepped out, walking down the hallway and fumbling with the keys in her pockets and finally reaching the door to her apartment. Hopefully Alice wouldn't be there to pester her...or do other things. Eugh, she needed some alone time. She pushed open the door, yawning as she stepped inside the luxuriously furnished apartment. One step away from Penthouse, and comfortable enough for her, Alice, and Alice's...ahem, [i]friends[/i] to typically live in without too much trouble, as long as they didn't get [i]too[/i] loud. Isana walked right to her room, pulling off her red coat, tie, and tossing them carelessly onto the floor of her room, followed swiftly by her shoes...and her pants. After removing all of her clothes except her shirt and undergarments, Isana went to the kitchen, finding the refrigerator had already been raided by a certain someone she wouldn't be doing anything with for the next few days. Ugh, she had eaten her leftovers! Leftovers were her bread and butter! Ah, and she was looking forward to eating it too. Day old pizza was the [i]best[/i]. Isana grumbled, closing the refrigerator, walking over to the cabinets and pilfering through them. She didn't feel like cooking...and nothing seemed too appealing...actually, she hadn't had Chinese food in awhile. Hmm. Not long after, she was laying on her stomach on the couch, TV on some anime and game console in hand. At least tomorrow was her day off, though that only bought mild concern. Her boss said he wanted to speak with her about something on her next work day. Something about some...special job or something. Wouldn't be the first time she freelanced to make a bit of extra cash in the IT field, but the way he said it was mildly concerning. Oh well...she reached over the arm of the couch, grabbing a few potato chips. Maybe Alice would be home soon. Alleviate some of this boredom by telling her to go buy her some Chinese food.