[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oBJ38oL.png[/img] [@Crimmy] [@Krayzikk][/center] Brennan's giddy smile unfurled with catlike laziness - or, rather, with the deviousness of the cat that was about to shove some highly fragile family heirloom right off of the counter. The teen's phone swept over the alleyway twice once he saw the shimmer around the waterlogged corpse disappear; he seemed, for the moment, satisfied that the scavenger had left its scraps unattended to. But he had only advanced three slow steps towards the body, tucked without grace into one of the sides of the alley. It seemed that the Irishman feared an ambush. And then: [color=0054a6][i]fweeeeew-wiiip[/i][/color] The whistle was high and fierce, cutting nimbly through the sound of the spraying water. [color=0054a6]"I don't give a fook about you,"[/color] the student stated matter-of-factly, touching his vest and straightening it out as best he could. [color=0054a6]"Or least not whatever t'is you're on about tonoight. Now, I'm a reasonable lad. My only groodge here's me food, me vest, and me phone repairs. Other den dat I couldn't give half a squirt o'piss if you slept in yer own bed tonoight or in that dumpster roight dere wit' your clavicle broke in quarts. And I can't squeeze a lick o'cash outta dis broad, neither. So let's do some business, yeah?"[/color] The thick-brogued devil appeared to be doing math. With a confident smile, he finished his calculations and stuck his left hand out, palm open and outstretched, his right hand in his pants pocket. [color=0054a6]"Ninety thousand yen, tossed into me waitin' hand, and we can both call ourselves a lil richer for dis exhilaratin' experience, huh?"[/color] he cajoled, fingers tightening around an invisible stack of bills and then uncurling. [color=0054a6]"Academy City's all about the fookin' [i]learnin'.[/i]"[/color]