[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180226/57bf26d97e2fb98fa6e9bd043180a5af.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180226/239d08494810a3431385799f334fb495.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/712b856a2f6ad182ca8fdc77bbdd8fea/tumblr_inline_nrcuovqXmA1sn95bh_250.gif[/img][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/288908997/original.gif[/img] [sub][b]Location:[/b] The Callaghan House [b][color=31ba9f]Jamie Callaghan[/color] & [color=ba314c]Katie Callaghan[/color][/b][/sub][/center] [hr] The Callaghan household was rarely quiet, a fact that Jamie had become used to in his seventeen years of living there. Even with his door shut, the shrieks of the twins managed to penetrate through the walls, as they sprinted through the house, bringing with them whatever havoc it was that they had that day. The rest of his family was home as well, his mom having just wrapped up the filming for her next movie, meaning she had spare time before she had to go on a promotional tour. His dad was with her, in the kitchen, having gotten off of work early that day. As for Jamie and Katie, well they were laying on Jamie’s bed, splitting a bucket of Red Vines and watching reruns of the Coalition, doing their best to avoid the chaos of the family gathering that was running rampant outside. Suddenly, Katie paused the episode, and turned to Jamie, eyes aflame with curiosity. Jamie had a bad feeling. [color=#ba314c][b]”So, you and Riley Wells, huh?”[/b][/color] Katie said, a smirk creeping up her face. Jamie rolled his eyes. [color=31ba9f][b]”You are a nosy brat,”[/b][/color] he said, reaching for another Red Vine. Katie quickly slapped his hand away. [color=#ba314c][b]”No more Red Vines until you tell me what’s up,”[/b][/color] she decreed, putting the tub behind her back and sitting up so as to better defend her treasure. Jamie sighed and shook his head, rolling over so that he was staring up at his ceiling. [color=31ba9f][b]”Do I have to?”[/b][/color] he whined, causing Katie to fix him with one of her famous stares, a gift she’d gotten from their mother. [color=31ba9f][b]”Fine. First off, me and Riley are not a thing,”[/b][/color] Jamie said adamantly. Katie laughed. [color=ba314c][b]”No shit Sherlock. Riley’s not your type at all,”[/b][/color] Katie said, taking a bite out of a Red Vine. [color=31ba9f][b]”I’ve dated one dude, how the fuck do I have a type?”[/b][/color] [color=ba314c][b]”Have you seen AJ? Have you seen Marshall? They’re like, the mayors of Twinktown. Riley’s too edgy for you,”[/b][/color] Katie said, earning a faux look of offense from Jamie. Rolling his eyes and trying his best not to laugh at Katie’s completely accurate comment, he launched into the complex story of him and Riley. [color=31ba9f][b]”All that happened is me and Riley talked at Damian’s party, and now everyone assumes that we have some sort of thing or some bull shit like that, but that’s stupid because he and Marshall are together, but I can’t tell anyone that because Riley’s not out and I can’t just go around outing people, let’s be real, it’s like the golden rule of being gay,”[/b][/color] he said, stopping only to catch his breath. Katie pursed her lips and thought for a moment. [color=ba314c][b]”Wait, but aren’t you and Marshall a thing?”[/b][/color] she asked. [color=31ba9f][b]”Nope, definitely not. I mean...well...look, I would’ve liked that, but he’s apparently in some secret tryst with Riley, and I’m not a homewrecker,”[/b][/color] he said, sighing. [color=31ba9f][b]”So, I’m stuck. Oh, and, get this, Trixie wants me to solve the mystery of her and Owen’s breakup!”[/b][/color] he continued, causing Katie to raise her brows. [color=ba314c][b]”Wait, so what are you gonna do?”[/b][/color] she inquired. Jamie gestured for a Red Vine, and Katie granted his request, returning the tub to the area between them. [color=31ba9f][b]”I’m gonna do what I normally do. Ask around. I’m gonna find Owen on Wednesday and talk to him, and then go from there. Which sucks because I hate Owen,”[/b][/color] Jamie explained, sighing and taking a bite of the licorice in his hand. Katie shrugged. [color=ba314c][b]”Hey, maybe you can get Marshall if you start off talking about how you look just like the guy who plays Nox,”[/b][/color] Katie said, gesturing to the laptop screen with the Coalition on it. Jamie scowled and rolled his eyes. [color=31ba9f][b]”Shut up, we look nothing alike!”[/b][/color]